- Why hate Lulu???
- wat did tidus and yuna do in the pond?
- Favourite Character
- favorite quote
- Time spent on Final Fantasy X
- Al Bhed alphabet translations
- Maximum Stats Guide and FAQ
- strategy guide to difficult bosses
- The Complete Compilation of the Spiras History(and a little story) from FFX and X-2
- Anti-Tidus Website
- Secret Character??
- What was the worst thing that happened to you while playing FFX?
- tidus is a total loser
- Jecht or Tidus?
- Am I bad at the game?
- Tidus is real????
- Overdrive mode Q.
- FFX Plothole [Spoiler]
- Where to Find The Dark Aeons???
- How old Tidus really is?!
- What is "Penance"?
- Zanarkand... Inspired in Atlantis??
- At the end
- 12 days of Pilgrimage ;)
- Just got X
- Leveling like mad.
- "Ultimate Weapon"
- Abillity Spheres grrr
- What FFX characters would never say #2
- See this is what happens when you get really bad japanese translators
- **** the Chocobo trainer.
- Question about International version
- Yuna is Jesus
- Summon or Fight
- My very first run thru...
- I still think . . .
- Haha. Auron.
- Why the heck is Maechen an unsent?
- Accents
- FFX on PSN
- ROFL, spoony reviews FFX
- Lunar
- PS3 and Vita port
- Trophy List Guesses
- Final Fantasy X | X-2 -HD Remaster-
- Would you go with Tidus or Shuyin in FFX?