View Full Version : Advent Children

  1. What did you think of the movie?
  2. Who's Seen The Movie
  3. Dilly Dally Shilly Shally
  4. Deleted Scenes
  5. Advent Children Is So Great!!
  6. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
  7. So many swords...
  8. Jenova Cell Confusion
  9. Secret Deleted Scene with Explicit Gay Content
  10. AC-related music video banned
  11. religous overtones in the movie
  12. ANYONE: help with song title??
  13. Damn them!
  14. Alluring E3 Interview Extract
  15. The Wolf???
  16. New AC trailer
  17. On the way to a Smile: Denzel Anime ships with ACC
  18. ACC Stateside release June 7th?
  19. European AC Release Date
  20. On the Way to a Smile: Denzel Chapter
  21. ACC was #2 in Blu Ray sales in U.S.
  22. ACC to include new content
  23. Turks Watch Advent Children