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  1. Welcome/Rules
  2. Just want to reiterate something.
  3. Teacher faces 40 years for (accidentally) showing porn in class
  4. Hilary for President?
  5. You know, if we really do get attacked by aliens. We're ****ed.
  6. Human Rights
  7. Teacher pushes student,student get surpended.
  8. British Sailors being held captive by Iran
  9. Ever read your partner's text messages?
  10. boy torches another dude's hair
  11. Don't Tell Me How To Treat My Parents.
  12. Supreme Court upholds PARTIAL BIRTH abortion banI
  13. Duwenikesterwesterbrachen!
  14. Artificial Intelligence rising?
  15. Religion
  16. Age Difference of Dating
  17. Google Video
  18. 14 to life
  19. Realism and Cynicism
  20. Drugs
  21. June 27th
  22. Hurray Cancer!
  23. Photography
  24. I need advice.
  25. why do people hates emos ?
  26. What would you do?
  27. Our world.........
  28. You Fatties
  29. Dentures
  30. Drinking Age: America, what's the deal?
  31. Democratic Debates
  32. 2 Year old could beat you up
  33. Ban what?!
  34. Child Rapists
  35. Worse than Chernobyl
  36. Globe magazine alleges first family break-up
  37. Immigration Bill shot down
  38. I want to rant about this
  39. Beam me up Scotty
  40. Michael vick indicted on dog fighting charges.
  41. Should couples live together before marriage?
  42. Adolescent Obesity-is it child abuse?
  43. Man gets life in prison for killing fetus
  44. Divine Light of Ignorance...
  45. Speed of light broken? :o
  46. Help, I'm white and I'm being oppressed!
  47. should girls play on high school football teams?
  48. Baldness, greatest enemy of Men?
  49. Whats up with Guys/Girls?
  50. Politically Correct
  51. There can never be another Cho
  52. The Commonwealth pwns You
  53. Mass (no not the mod) archiving
  54. Wiki reaches 2,000,000
  55. I am kinda confused...
  56. Permits for Prostitutes
  57. odd thoughts on S&M and BDSM
  58. 22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl
  59. Prostitution, Drugging, and
  60. Cheating
  61. What are the odds that my child gets autism?
  62. Homosexual gene study being done
  63. Cold Blooded or Realistic?
  64. A straight camp? Are you ****ing kidding me?
  65. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
  66. UN to Bush admin "You're talking out your ass"
  67. Is modeling shallow?
  68. Ethical animal treatment = Great nation?
  69. WGA Strike
  70. Good Cop/Bad Cop
  71. Bisexuality: Is it a myth?
  72. Private Life and Work Life
  73. The "Nice Guy"
  74. Christmas
  75. Say hello to the "new country"
  76. Teachers "Making themselves look good"
  77. Bunch of Crap
  78. Cluster**** to the White House
  79. Tabloids/gossip sites targetting celbrity children
  80. Surveillance cameras on street corners
  81. Super Tuesday!
  82. Free health care for Amerikka
  83. Life from Ice
  84. Depression
  85. Saying Sorry For The Lost Generation
  86. Over protective parents
  87. Von der Depression zur Zivilisation
  88. Kosovo Declares Indepndence
  89. How young is too young......
  90. Jesus gay?
  91. Are new Drug rankings needed
  92. Castro Lives On!
  93. American Kids Fight School Bus Driver!
  94. Add one to the list of Communist countries
  95. How long should "the butterflies" last in a relationship
  96. Armenia declares emergency rule
  97. Statutory Rape?
  98. Scientists discover gene that blocks HIV virus
  99. Spitzer Resigns
  100. Roleplaying - People who have lives or not?
  101. Rape Club
  102. Our Children... The Future? Or Just Trouble?
  103. Violence
  104. Wikipedia
  105. Artists, rise to defend!
  106. 8 teens Charged With beeating a Girl
  107. The OFFICIAL US Presidential election thread.
  108. Animal Cruelty, as Art?
  109. The Human Body
  110. Removal of letters from the English language
  111. Creationism determined to NOT be Science
  112. Democracy and the idiots who vote
  113. The Federation are communists
  114. Just Unbelievable, Atheist
  115. Hitler killed millions
  116. Thinsporation? A Trend?
  117. Double Standards
  118. The History - Miseducation or Fact?
  119. 10 years later...
  120. What do you think?
  121. Emo
  122. Teacher fired for "wizardry"
  123. Skin colour
  124. Kenneth Copeland : "Praise LORD Je$u$!!!"
  125. Fashion
  126. One step closer to cure for cancer
  127. Is it true?
  128. Gamma Ray bursts shot at Earth
  129. So...What's the plan?
  130. Elections
  131. The Christian/Homosexual debate thread
  132. You wake up. . .There is no religion.
  133. UFO's
  134. You wake up. . .There's no waifu
  135. African witch Children
  136. Calling your kid Adolf Hitler.
  137. Israel-Gaza Conflict
  138. Man shot in own driveway by police officer
  139. Kittens used at baits for Sharks
  140. Proud to be?
  141. Copyright laws how far is too far?
  142. Dad at 13
  143. Mobile/Cell Phones
  144. Hijab in the Police?
  145. Piratebay
  146. Pedigree Dogs
  147. What is real?
  148. Ship of Theseus / Theseus's Paradox
  149. Dumb Fans of Music
  150. Science Wins.
  151. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
  152. Voting
  153. Obama is a LIAR!!!!
  154. Guns in Public
  155. Former President Clinton to negotiate with North Korea
  156. Why?
  157. Political Compass
  158. 2012 the END!?
  159. Why are we wasting money on fat people?
  160. Sex Offender Registry
  161. Islam Destroying FOS
  162. WW2... possibly best thing to ever happen!
  163. Ridiculous, America!
  164. Human Perfection.
  165. Jehovah's Witnesses Q&A
  166. Philip Pullman disappointed over film prospects of His Dark Materials
  167. Living the Fantasy
  168. Are you a donor?
  169. Legalise Pot?
  170. Muslim woman is Miss USA 2010
  171. Playing it straight
  172. British Petroleum
  173. Divorce and kids
  174. Wikileaks and Julian Assasnge
  175. Ever walked into a fast food place and they just stopped serving breakfast but . . .
  176. Teachers probably going on strike AGAIN!
  177. Can charities go too far?
  178. Pipa/sopa
  179. Black humor and death
  180. What defines an anime?