View Full Version : My Zanarkand Theory

12-04-2003, 03:22 AM
I wonder where the Zanarkand Symbol Originated from, so here is my theory.

Because the Zanarkand Symbol was made BEFORE Sin ever existed, there is no connection between it or any Aeons. However, There WERE Summoners because Yunalesca would have had to be one to Summon the Final Aeon to defeat Sin, so what I believe is that the symbol originated from Lord Zaon, (Yunalesca's Husband and the first Final Aeon). Because YUNA and YUNAlesca are so common, I think that Tidus and Lord Zaon have a link too. I have the feeling that Jecht's family line once originated from Spira, but was sent to the Dream Zanarkand by Sin later. So what I believe, is that the Zanarkand Symbol would have been a family Symbol for the Lord Zaon-Jecht-Tidus family line. Since Tidus and Jecht both wore the symbol, I now wonder that if it showed Lord Zaon better, that he would also have this symbol on him. What are your thoughts on this?

12-04-2003, 03:38 AM
Good theory!

12-04-2003, 03:39 AM
Um, i guess ill say *Spoiler* for anyone who actually never beat FF X
Tidus and jecht are both dreams of the faith, hence they are created by teh faith and the Zanarkand at the beginning of FFX is a mere illusion of a zanarkand of the past that was created to condition Tidus as teh faith wanted to get him prepared for his misson. The symbol itself is the Zanarkand Abes symbol. It is a mere sports logo. Perhaps the logo may have been based off of some aeon or something, but I dont think Zaon and tidus had a thing to do with one another. Because I think Tidus was based off an actual person who lived in Zanarkand a thousand years ago, I have my theory of who that is, but I havent finished FF X-2 yet and if my theory is right, I dont wanna spoil it for anyone. I recall theorizing jecht was sin before I even got FF X and I was right :P

12-04-2003, 03:54 AM
well, I knew all of that, and I know what your thinking about FFX2 and you are right, (I just know but I haven't beat it yet. It's the same for Yuna and Lenne). But if Tidus and Zanarkand and Jecht were all dreams, why can't it be possible for others to be dreams too

Darkness Godess
12-04-2003, 03:55 AM
I don't think that lady Yunalesca and Yuna have much in common except that their names r off of each other and they have something with defeating sin. I remember in the game they said the Yuna's father, Braska, only named her after Yunalesca. I don't think that lord Zaon is realated with Tidus or Ject either but they just wear the symbol. Since they were both from Zanarkand maybe it was just a symbol that ppl from Zanarkand used. I don't know but I think your theroy could be right but it could be wrong. Good job though Its good to know someone else thinks about this kind of stuff as well.

12-04-2003, 03:57 AM
it is a possibility I am completely wrong, but if you think for a second, everything in Spira and Zanarkand are connected someohow, so even if they just said that High Summoner Braska named Yuna off of Yunalesca, there could still be a connection

Darkness Godess
12-04-2003, 04:12 AM
True true...I still have some doubts but I just might believe you on this one. Sorry I typed way to slow and Sukai like explained everything way better then I did. hehe not to good at this stuff but I like it

12-04-2003, 05:17 AM
Well, the reason no one else could be dreams of the fayth is because they would have disapeered with the birth of the eternal calm.

12-04-2003, 05:20 AM
Lord Zaon and Jecht already disapeared before from becoming final aeons, so I still say it makes sense

12-04-2003, 05:54 AM
i disagree with you Quinteo because i think the symbol is the team logo of Tidus's team. Sin has to do with Yevon the first summoner Yu Yevon. Tidus is a dream bassed off of someone else that is completly different from everything in the real Zanarkind. Tidus is a dream in other words a fake having nothing to do with the real world(that includes his dad) so his symbol is nothing but a fantasy

12-04-2003, 06:24 AM
Good theory and its also convincing u know!

{The Chimeara}
12-04-2003, 06:24 AM

{The Chimeara}
12-04-2003, 06:35 AM
I definitely agree with this piece of Zanarkand theory. Especially his theory of Yuna and Yunalesca are similar. Their name, their aeons but that Yuna's ones are stronger. At first, I thought that Yuna IS Yunalesca when i heard people say it before I played the game. Nice and convincing piece of theory!

12-04-2003, 06:54 AM
it's funny because I just thought of it on the spot. This is a good thread because many can debate what I have said as a good theory, or deabte their own theories. I totally respect the fact that people may disagree with me, as long as they can support why.

EX - I understand what you said. I know that it may seem like the Zanarkand Symbol and Sin may have no connection, but like I said before, almost everything in Spira, and between Spira and Dream Zanarkand, are coonected somehow. I feel that they would not take so much time to make a symbol if it did not have a deeper meaning. The symbol just seems like it isn't just a team logo. Also, do you remember the battle with Braska's Final Aeon. Did you see behind him? There was a Zanarkand logo made of fiery rock, in SIN. So there is some connection between Spira, (Sin), and Dream Zanarkand, (Jecht). I just am trying to find a deeper meaning to it which I may find later

12-04-2003, 08:57 AM
You lost me there but a good theory.

I don't think Tidus and Lord Zaon are connected. Yuna is just named after Yunalesca. Doesn't necessarily mean there connected.

Dark Anima
12-04-2003, 09:30 AM
To add to that, i don't think that having the zanarkand symbol in Sin is that symbolic of anything. I mean, Jecht wears the symbol, and Jecht is Sin, so no bigge.

The only connection that I see between Dream Zanarkand and Spira, besides Tidus, Jecht, and Auron, is that Dream Zanarkand is part of Spira's past. Cause the Fayth dream it and they are all from the original Zanarkand and all so it would be as they remember it.

12-05-2003, 03:12 AM
well Quinteo the reason the symbol was in the background when you fought sin at the end because Jecht was Sin and he was also the star player of Zanarkind Abes and blitzball was his life before he became sin. The conection between Dream Zanarkind and Sin is the fact that Jecht use to live in Dream Zanarkind and Tidus is connected to them because Jecht is his dad.

I always thought that the people in the dream world where bassed off of people in the real world like Tidus is based of Shuyin and i would bet that Jecht is based off of someone else

12-05-2003, 04:59 AM
Can i ask something? Correct me if I'm wrong...
1000 years ago Zanarkand and Bevelle were at war, and Bevelle won. So the survivors of Zanarkand become fayths and they dreamed of the city and people who once lived there, thus summoning them and creating "Dream Zanarkand" So basically Tidus and all the Zanarkand people are images of the people who once lived there, that means they had all existed before. Am I right? Does this sound confusing. (Who writes these storylines...?)

12-05-2003, 09:43 AM
If Dream Zanarkand is connected to the history of Spira and the fayths dream about it... Then it would mean that the fayths really did belong to Zanarkand then... But then again... how old would Tidus be if he was sent to the later Spira... saying that it was 1000 years after sin attacked Zanarkand? Plus, how would Sin attack Dream Zanarkand if he was really Jecht... who became Sin right after the battle with Yunalesca?

Anyways... didn't the battle with Yunalesca take place in the later Spira? where Yuna existed? How did Sin happen to get by and destroy Dream Zanarkand then? Does Sin know how to time travel?

12-05-2003, 11:20 PM
i disagree with u or maybe i just dont understand u. As u said how did Sin get by and destroy zanakand 1000 years ago but it still in spira 1000 years later. Because Sin never die, unless sommoners give their lives to that little spider who controlled Sin ( i dont remember that little spider name)

12-05-2003, 11:23 PM
zanarkand is a sacred place

12-05-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by PainE_87
If Dream Zanarkand is connected to the history of Spira and the fayths dream about it... Then it would mean that the fayths really did belong to Zanarkand then... But then again... how old would Tidus be if he was sent to the later Spira... saying that it was 1000 years after sin attacked Zanarkand? Plus, how would Sin attack Dream Zanarkand if he was really Jecht... who became Sin right after the battle with Yunalesca?

Anyways... didn't the battle with Yunalesca take place in the later Spira? where Yuna existed? How did Sin happen to get by and destroy Dream Zanarkand then? Does Sin know how to time travel?

I can answer all your questions you just asked

1. Tidus would be 1017 in technical terms
2. Sin travels through the worlds
3. Lord Zaon, being Yunalesca's Final Aeon, became sin
4. The battle with Yunalesca did take place in later Spira, but it was Yunalesca as an undead or unsent
5. He didn't really know how to time travel. It never actually explained what it was but Sin is able to travel between Spira and Dream Zanarkand. How that is possible is a mystery to me but he did.

12-06-2003, 03:25 AM
i think that it's very possable but there are a few things that u could say to suport it that u left out and i find it funny that some ppl are sayin there against it and why they say there against it helps suport it tsk tsk

12-06-2003, 04:08 AM
in what was jyd? I get what you are sayin but I don't exactly get the reasons why they are supporting it

12-06-2003, 08:25 AM
Let's get some confusing **** straight. We all know these facts:
1. 1000 years ago Bevelle vs. Zanarkand. The High Summoner had no choice but to summon Sin, (thus Sin is truly born at this time)which destroyed everything. Survivors of Zanarkand then became fayth.
2. Some time later, Lady Yunalesca becomes the first to defeat Sin.
3. And 10 years before the current time (i.e. the time when Yuna is 17) High Summoner Braska defeats Sin. Jecht becomes Sin.

Unknown Facts:
So the Sin we saw at the beginning of FFX should be Jecht. Auron is an unsent who used Jecht (Sin) to travel to Dream Zanarkand. Sin destroyed everything before taking Auron and Tidus to the current time, cause that's the way Sin is...destroy destroy destroy. What i dunno is why didn Sin destroy Auron and Tidus if it doesn't mind bringing down a city? If Jecht can control himself not to kill his own son why cant he control demolishing Dream Zanarkand? And Dream Zanarkand was "dreamed up" by the fayth. When does it come into the storyline??? Because as we all know, In the current time, Zanarkand is only a city of ruins. (I should write an email to SquareEnix)

12-06-2003, 08:28 AM
think what a dream really is. If you die in a dream, it ends. The fayth dreampt up Tidus and Zanarkand, so they have the power to do what they want in their dreams. They chose for Sin to destory Zanarkand. Of course Sin won't destroy his son or his friend.

12-06-2003, 08:34 AM
God this is getting more and more confusing. Quinteo, i propose you write a complete and detailed theory of the FFX storyline, thanks.

12-06-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Quinteo
I wonder where the Zanarkand Symbol Originated from, so here is my theory.

Because the Zanarkand Symbol was made BEFORE Sin ever existed, there is no connection between it or any Aeons. However, There WERE Summoners because Yunalesca would have had to be one to Summon the Final Aeon to defeat Sin, so what I believe is that the symbol originated from Lord Zaon, (Yunalesca's Husband and the first Final Aeon). Because YUNA and YUNAlesca are so common, I think that Tidus and Lord Zaon have a link too. I have the feeling that Jecht's family line once originated from Spira, but was sent to the Dream Zanarkand by Sin later. So what I believe, is that the Zanarkand Symbol would have been a family Symbol for the Lord Zaon-Jecht-Tidus family line. Since Tidus and Jecht both wore the symbol, I now wonder that if it showed Lord Zaon better, that he would also have this symbol on him. What are your thoughts on this?

Since it's your theory, I would respect it but it's a wrong theory. Alot of people really have messed up with the facts of FFX but well, I too misunderstood the story the first time I completed until I play it over and over again and realize the truth rather than the wrong theory I had insisted before I fully understood the game. Really, if you're unconvinced you can play FFX once more and pay full attention of what the Fayth (remember the little kid in purple hoot?) says to Tidus. This is what I quote from the game where the fayths speaks to Tidus: "You are a dream of the fayth, your father, your mother are all dreams of the fayth." (including the Zanarkand that never sleeps which Tidus lives in)

Forgive me for my rudeness, but really many need to play the game once more (especially if you still think that Tidus and his family had lived in reality spira 1000 years ago), it's hard to understand just by reading what we all say here, coz we may make mistakes. The best way if you want to understand the whole true story of FFX, just go play the game once more, this way you can understand better.

Here's something I wrote when I just pass completed FFX the second time, I posted it at the spoilers' section but no one seem to read it , sorry but I think this is double posting. But really I just want to clear all the misunderstandings floating around everywhere in this forum. Please read:

I see that there are still people here who mistaken that Tidus, his mom and Jetch had lived 1000 years ago. The fact is NO they hadn't. This was what I misunderstood too when I first completed FFX, then I played the second time and realize I was wrong. Basically you should just watch out for what the fayth said. The fayth already directly mentioned to Tidus that he, his mom and dad are all dreams of the fayth, including the zanarkand that never sleeps. However, Tidus and Jetch had become more than just dreams because Jetch has sacrificed himself to become sin and Tidus had been touched by sin.

*All above I speak off was from the game since I played it once more and just pass through that scene where the fayth speaks to Tidus.

And one more thing, the fact that Tidus actually saw his mom in the farplane is NOT because his mom actually lived 1000 years ago, died and accepted death like what Yuna said. NOTE that when Yuna said that, she had absolutely no idea that Tidus, his mom and Jetch were dreams of the fayth. The fact that Tidus's mom appeared in the farplane is because of the pryeflies reacting to Tidus's thoughts. The farplane isn't just a place for the 'sent' dead, but mainly of the pryeflies reacting to one's thoughts. Although Tidus's mom never live in the reality of spira, she is a dream of the fayth and somehow, you could connect the fayth's dreams to the pryeflies' reaction (of Tidus's mom).

I know it's very confusing but one fact directly quoted from the game is that Tidus, his mom and Jetch were dreams of the fayth. This is 100% truth from the game itself. However if you're still not convinced, you should go play the game once more

Oh yeah and about Auron, he is REAL and had lived in the reality Spira, met Braska and became his guardian blabla.. then they met Jetch (dream of the fayth) who claimed to have come from Zanarkand (fayth's dream which doesn't exist in the reality spira) The real Zanarkand was destroyed in a war 1000 years ago with Bevelle by powerful machina. Auron was later killed by Yunalesca, and as an unsent, he seek to fulfil the promise he made to Jetch of watching over Tidus. Auron was then transported through sin to the Zanarkand that never sleeps (fayth's dream) and brought Tidus along through sin again to the reality spira.

I sure have talked alot. Anything you stll refuse to believe, just play FFX once more and you'll get it.

12-06-2003, 02:44 PM
Okok, i NEARLY get what you mean but tell me. HOW DID JECHT COME TO THE REAL SPIRA FROM THE DREAM ZANARKAND? He wasn Sin at that time and nobody he knew was Sin could transport him. SO TELL ME!!!!!

Sorry, must have overreacted.

12-06-2003, 03:23 PM
That wasn't explained detailedly how Jetch came to reality spira but it was only mentioned that Jetch went out to sea 10 years ago and never return. At that point of time, he was tranported to reality spira we could say.

12-06-2003, 11:00 PM
I know the FFX story like the back of my hand. This theory was just about teh symbol, which was never actually explained how it came to be, and it was just an idea I had for it

Flaming amarant
12-06-2003, 11:38 PM
but in ffx-2 a kid where you play sphere break in luca there is a kid in the back of the tutorial room he has the sign on his pants so um yea

12-06-2003, 11:41 PM
I never noticed that, but thanks for stating that. I'll have to see it. If he did have the sgn on his pants, then there is a connection. Who was this kid? He had to be important to have it, or you might be mistaken

Like I said before, everything in Spira and Dream Zanarkand is connected. hat is symbolized tthrough Sin, Jecht, Tidus, Auron etc. So why can't the Zanarkand symbol be in someway related to Spira's past?

Flaming amarant
12-06-2003, 11:43 PM
the kid isnt all that imporant you just play sphere break against him but he doesnt have anything to do with the story

12-06-2003, 11:44 PM
hmmm, I will definately have to check that out for myself. Thanks again for the info :)

12-07-2003, 05:38 AM
yeah i must have missed that to is this during the tournament or later

12-07-2003, 07:10 AM
doesn't matter. I asked Brianeverly to check it out for me, but I might check it out later tonight or something. That still seems a bit weird to me, just a normal person having the symbol when they have no importance

12-07-2003, 02:26 PM
You don't think maybe Squaresoft just screwed up and forgot about the damn symbol thingy? But anyway, we'd like to think everything has a logical explaination in FFX.

12-07-2003, 04:44 PM
To that guy who made the long theory thing, seeing as no-one ever actually c ame out and saidthat Tidus was never real, for all you know you could be putting 2 and 2 together to make 100, so don't say that it IS the truth when you can't be 100% certain of the truth

12-07-2003, 07:07 PM
actually NeoRaptox they did come out and say Tidus never existed that he was only a dream and he never said it was the truth he said it was a theory which doesn't mean its the truth.

12-07-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by gakkun
Since it's your theory, I would respect it but it's a wrong theory. Alot of people really have messed up with the facts of FFX but well, I too misunderstood the story the first time I completed until I play it over and over again and realize the truth rather than the wrong theory I had insisted before I fully understood the game.

ok i'll admit i may be wrong for the first part but not for the thing saying it's the turth, he did say that, he didn't sy it was a rumour