View Full Version : Um.... do I HAVE to fight Mega Tonberry
01-06-2004, 11:08 PM
I just the giant snail boss on lvl 60, so I'm on lvl 61. All my characters are lvl 99. Now, whenever I go to lvl 61, it's always a floor plan with a Mega Tonberry right in my way. I've looked around each floor plan for a while and couldn't find the way to get down without going through it. Do I have to fight it, or should I just keep going up and going back up, and coming back down for new floorplan?
01-07-2004, 12:12 AM
No, I know what floorplan your speaking of. On the floorplan with the mega-toonberry and you cannot go left or right; go back and you will fall into a floorpanel that exists -below- the previous one. From there, climb back to the area where the toonberry is. DO NOT PRESS THE JUMP BUTTON. It will initate a fight with the mega toonberry. Instead, just fall down automatically to a large block like switch that exists behind the toonberry, and a wall will collaspe that was there earlier. THis will allow you to fall down to the next floor.
ロ イ ド
01-07-2004, 12:28 AM
u never have to elder drake or mega tonberry on ne floor....... there is always a way to not fite them
01-07-2004, 03:43 AM
Well I found out on one floor you HAVE to fight megatonberry, but by then you should have a Cat nip accessory, then just equip that on a character bring it to weakened status (make suthis charcter is a gunnith tger happy lvl 3 VERY USEFUL) and trigger happy him, he'll be dead in on trigger happy :D
ロ イ ド
01-07-2004, 04:04 AM
hmm ive never eno****ered a level where u have to face him...... yah to add to tideus strat....add first stike to hes abilities...... cuz tonberrys attacks take away 60000 on u lol and can kill ur party ezily
01-08-2004, 06:37 PM
Yeah during those bouts I considered myself lucky, that he never went for my gunner
01-08-2004, 06:58 PM
ok, what about the floor where there's a long hill-like path in front of you where you run up and then at the very end is a mega toneberry walking towards and away from the screen in this little hall (which i assume is where the end of the floor is). you could either go right and go back up to the top and try again for a new floor plan, or you could go left where there is 2 small toneberries and one mega toneberry just standing there for you to fight if you choose. this is not the floor where you can jump down and then do all that platform stuff. that's a different floor. i'm sure you know which floor i'm talking about here, sinse it seems to come up more than any other. i've beaten trema already, but i was just wondering how the hell you actually get past this mega toneberry without fighting it and without going up to the top and trying again. any help?
01-08-2004, 07:17 PM
That was the floor I was talking about you do need to fight that Mega Tonberry but using that start I posted earlier should work.
01-08-2004, 07:20 PM
i suppose you could fight it. but there were times when everytime i went to that floor it was that level and it was a pain having to go back to the top to try again. and fighting it could be pretty bad. i faught it a few times but it just killed my gunner right away.
01-08-2004, 07:23 PM
Like I said I was lucky, but as S Lionheart said, the first stirk ability helps a ton
01-09-2004, 04:20 PM
There is one floor where you need to fight Mega Toneberry to goto next floor down. As stated above, Catnip on a gunner with trigger happy level 3. If you have Rabit's Foot, equip on Gunner, if not, use Speed bracer or something with auto-haste. I've equipped my gunner with ray of hope garment grid to raise my luck. Having high luck allows the enemy to attach other fighters first. Make sure gunner is in SOS level (yellow hp) and just use trigger happy on it and should go down in no problem.
01-28-2004, 02:32 AM
on that floor, you do NOT need to fight the mega tonberry. all u have to do is fight the little tonberrys first, then the screen will flash after u fght the second little one, then u go to where the mega tonberry was standing and he wont be there anymore! voila! see? u NEVER have to fight mega tonnberries or elder drakes!
good luck 1st timers
01-28-2004, 07:31 PM
I am so glad I stumbled upon this topic. That Elder Drake knocked the crap out of me twice! Now I'm glad I can get around him.
01-30-2004, 01:05 AM
hmm if you want the last blue bullet CRY IN THE NIGHT u get it from him hardest one to get in my opinion so if you want that u got to and on that floor where u got to i leave the floor reenter and its different and continue so really u don't
02-18-2004, 01:57 AM
im sorry to ask this but how do u get passed the elder drake?
03-03-2004, 05:03 PM
i think he is resistent against eject
03-03-2004, 09:16 PM
in some,yes
03-05-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Heavenly_Seraph
im sorry to ask this but how do u get passed the elder drake?
If I remember correctly, there's a couple floor types with visible Elder Drakes. One has them jumping out at you. For those, you just time it so that it doesn't hit you.
The other one has an Elder Drake positioned in front of you, just behind a wall. If you go to the left and climb to the end of the hall way, you'll activate a switch that will make steps appear above the Elder Drake's head. You can jump onto them by holding down the jump button as you approach. There's also a Tonberry in this level, down the corridor to the left, past the Elder Drake. Talk to it and it'll give you something.
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