View Full Version : Need Help on Djose Episode Complete

02-18-2004, 03:37 AM
I need help on the last repair tool.
Do you have to do the chocobo catching and go to the Ruin Depths? Because I can't really do the catching very well. Does anyone know an easier way to get to the Ruin Depths?

02-20-2004, 04:25 PM
For an episode complete in Djose, you just have to defeat the Experiment at level 5.. and the only way to get to the ruin depths is to do all that chocobo catching, sorry..

Zanarkand Ruins
03-29-2004, 10:12 PM
You dont need ALL the repair tools unless u use all the other 4. To make Experiment lv 5, dig at the binkinel dessert. Well thats what i think cuz im too lazy to dig everything yet...

03-31-2004, 10:41 PM
Man... That's a pain... Both ways are just too... complicated.. I'll try it. Thanks for the tips guys. So, catching or digging

04-01-2004, 12:27 AM
you only need 1 repair tool

see you can fix it and not fight it then go digging and keep checking on what level it is. The easiest one to get is just by talking to the guy in the temple and he will give you one. Also the monkeys outside the temple will give you one.

04-01-2004, 06:14 PM
u only need to fight against experiment twice,once when its at lvl 1-1-1 and when its at level 5-5-5,to get it to level 5 go to bikanel and get 13(each) parts of the s,a,z when u get them all ,go to djose and talk with the person in the temple ,the password will be: marnela

04-02-2004, 03:25 AM
I know how to get the manuals it's just getting the one in Mihen and Calm Lands are hard. When I searched for the one in Mihen it worked once but that was it! That made me mad.

04-03-2004, 08:18 PM
all of the manuals work only once,when u defeat the experiment ull need another 1 to fix it again

04-03-2004, 09:02 PM
I know where to get 2 repair tools. One you get by talking to a man in the temple and the other you get by pressing x when the 3 monkeys outside the temple jump together.

04-03-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Massacre
u only need to fight against experiment twice,once when its at lvl 1-1-1 and when its at level 5-5-5,to get it to level 5 go to bikanel and get 13(each) parts of the s,a,z when u get them all ,go to djose and talk with the person in the temple ,the password will be: marnela

actually your wrong on 2 parts, first if you go digging throught chapters 1-4 the experiments level will not be 1-1-1 it might already be at level 5, like on one of my games i only had to fight it once because it was at level 5 already. Second you getting 13 of each s,a,z isn't how it works because each one is worth a differnent amount. Use this equation 1s+2a+5z=32. Basically what it means is that every s part is worth 1 point every a part is worth 2 points and every z part is worth 5 points. So as soon as you get a total of 32 points your clear on that area whethere its attack, defence, or special.

04-09-2004, 01:11 AM
Whaaa, this is sooo hard, how come things have to be so complicated? So, what you're saying is that if we get a total of 32 points then, we gat a level up on the expirement?

04-09-2004, 02:41 AM
<sigh> no i said a total of 32 points for level 5

04-09-2004, 03:29 AM
yeah to get ep. complete in Djose, you gotta beat the experiment at lv. 5
and you gotta get all those parts and what not. the part A, Z, and S are in points
A = 1 point
S = 3 points
Z = 5 points

for all the parts: defence, attack and special it has to add up to 38 and that's when you know it's in lv. 5
ie: say you have..
5 Attack Assembly A
8 Attack Assembly S
2 Attack Assembly Z

to find out if you are in lv 5, multiply the number of parts with the points so...
5x1 = 5
8x3 = 24
2x5 = 10
so 10 + 24 + 5 = 39 .. you're in lv.5! haha

and if you want those manuals, there's one in Djose temple where you have to give the guy the password which is 'marnela', another downstairs on the left side of the temple and he gives it to you when you talk to him
...hope that helps!

04-09-2004, 02:37 PM
oh,xoyunalesca thats really helpful,my stupid guide just told me i had to find 13 of each part,i had no idea what partes i had 2 get,the special.the attack.or defense ,and the whole a,s ,z screwed me up even more

lulu 10
04-09-2004, 05:55 PM
the experiment at level 5 is easy just use triger happy L3 and catnip on or if you do not have catnip just mix a holy water and any 1 of the elerment gems which can do more than 9999.

04-10-2004, 05:22 PM
ok but where is every single repair tool? ive gotten like 3 so far (the password one, the guy sitting down, and the monkey one) where are the others?! this IS hard :(

04-10-2004, 05:46 PM
here u go

How to Repair with Soul

Name: How to Repair with Soul

Descripton: May be useful for repairing machines.

How to get: Go to Djose Temple. Once your inside turn left to the other door.
Once inside talk to the guy sitting down and you should received

Effect: Be able to re-fight Machina in Djose Temple during Ch.5.

The Spirit of Recycling

Name: The Spirit of Recycling

Descripton: May be useful for repairing machines.

How to get: Go to Djose Temple in Ch.5 and input "MARNELA" as the password to
received it.

Effect: Be able to re-fight Machina in Djose Temple during Ch.5.

The ABC's of Repair

Name: The ABCs of Repair

Descripton: May be useful for repairing machines.

How to get: Find it in the Secret Chocobo Dungeon in Ch.5.

Effect: Be able to re-fight Machina in Djose Temple during Ch.5.

Repairing for Dummies

Name: Letter of Introduction

Descripton: May be useful for repairing machines.

How to get: Go to Djose Temple and just outside of the temple you'll see three
monkies. Go in the middle when all three monkeys jump and press
X to get it.

Effect: Be able to re-fight Machina in Djose Temple during Ch.5.

Everyman's Repair Manual

Name: Everyman's Repair Manual

Descripton: May be useful for repairing machines.

How to get: Find it on a randomly placed machina in Mi'hen Highroad.

Effect: Be able to re-fight Machina in Djose Temple during Ch.5.

04-10-2004, 07:49 PM
When I tried to find the Manual at Mihen I couldn't find it, I had to find the manual in all the machinas for 10 hours!

04-10-2004, 08:51 PM
how come ten hours??u could have gotten a chocobo and done it in a few minutes

04-10-2004, 09:57 PM
I got on a chocobo but the machinas wouldn't give me the manual so, it's taking me 10 hours pressing x just to find it and I still can't get it yet.

04-10-2004, 10:16 PM
well get off the chocobo when u get to 1,and press x around each machina...sorry i couldnt be of more help,i didnt even bother getting this repair tool.......its not worth 10 hours running around like that just for a stupid item like that

04-14-2004, 01:09 AM
I only that one to get at lv. 4, then I could've searched for parts and increased its lv. to 5.

04-14-2004, 07:30 PM
stop right there, u dont need to beat it at all lvl's,just at lvl 5-5-5,so just go and upgrade the stats

04-14-2004, 11:57 PM
I know but the manuals help it get out of control that's what I was talking about.

04-15-2004, 05:38 PM
no the manuals dont get it out of control,when u upgrade it to lvl 5-5-5 thats what makes it uncontrollable,the manuals are only there for repairing purposes

04-16-2004, 02:19 AM
Exactly, the manuals keep lv.ing it up that it just loses it. That's why I needed one more then I would look for the parts.