View Full Version : Via Infinito Help
02-26-2004, 01:58 AM
just post any help you need with any levels in here beacsue tehre are a ton of different threads abotu this place, so post all questions and answeres here
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03-02-2004, 12:07 AM
man im stuck i cant figger out how to do anything it soooo hard and wots with blitz bal man that is crap
03-02-2004, 01:59 AM
phil you need to be more specific than 'cant do anything'.
and blitzball DOES suck becuz you're only the coach now. play against the kilika beasts a million times in practice mode to get training points, use them to increase shinra's goalkeeping in training. that oughta get u started.
Lady Alustria
03-02-2004, 02:52 AM
phil, if you're going to ask for help, then you must be specific. And this is not the place for you to ask or talk about Blitzball, this is only for Via Infinito. Any future posts like this will be considered spam and will be dealt with as such. Please read the rules, and follow them.
And welcome to the forums, and enjoy yourself, hun. ;)
03-03-2004, 01:08 AM
lol nice call la...
by the way, how long did it take you all tobeat Trema?
Al Bhed Babii
03-06-2004, 07:11 PM
level 40 i cant be the stupid black elemental!
03-06-2004, 11:40 PM
Where Is That Via Infininto?
03-06-2004, 11:48 PM
In Bevelle, go down the hall on the right, in there, you'll see Pacce and the Kinderguardians. Just follow them using the transporter, and there ya go, Via Infinito.
03-07-2004, 04:55 AM
Via Infinito = bevelle 100 lvl dungeon , right?
03-07-2004, 05:47 AM
Via Infinito = the entire Bevelle dungeon. Level Infinity is level 100.
So far as Trema is concerned, each time it has taken me 4 or 5 hours to get down to him, but I was doing things each time on my way down. First time, I was getting all the Blue Bullets, second time I was oversouling everything. So far as the fight with Trema himself, it took me maybe 4 or 5 minutes, I'd say.
EDIT: As for Black Elemental, I suggest using things like the Gunner's Enchanted Ammo and the Samurai's Momentum ability. He only has 9999 HP, so a few good, solid hits will take him down. I suspect that even Darkness can work wonders on him.
03-07-2004, 01:25 PM
im trying to get the cat nip, but that stupid elder drake is blocking the entrance. i can get past the one ramming the walls, but its the one who is waiting behind the wall on the floor.
Any help!
03-07-2004, 02:25 PM
i know to get past that you goto the left and there will be a block there, jump on it and a bridge of blocks will appear over the elder drake...........simple really
and the easiest way to beat black elemental is to have a D Knight with at least 5000 HP then use Charon (yes this move is useful)
03-07-2004, 04:26 PM
He's referring to a different area with the Elder Drake. What you do to get past him is from the top of the wall, touching the left wall, drop, don't jump, down. Hug the left wall and walk past, he won't bother you.
EDIT: Atleast, that's what I think he means. The one I'm referring to is the map with two Elder Drakes on it. If there is only one, follow DK's instructions.
03-11-2004, 11:44 AM
ok i am finaly at level 100 on via infinito
paragon is easy
I allways save the game before the boss level so i can enter with the hp levels I want, the teleporters allways restore ur health so i save a level up.
Ok so I have 2 gunners with speed bracers and cat nip
rikku and yuna together they can get like 40 X 9999 damage.
But Trema allways kills them before they can do 2 to 3 turns
Paine is a dark knight and I have got her defence up to 230
if I add another crystal glove or whatever they are i can get it to 255
this makes it easy to survive tremas physicals, but the magic is harder to survive.
Meteor allways kills paine when she is the last one standing, nomatter what defence she has, i have heard that one soul spring can drain tremas mp compleatly, this will let me survive his flare and ultima and i wont have to worry about demi.
But I want to know if his meteor requires mp, once he did 3 in a row.
And annother thing does anyone else remember seymour being as hard as trema.
(My characters are at level 75 - 80)
03-12-2004, 07:34 PM
I suggest you go get the Adamantite if you don't have it already. The auto-wall on it is especially useful. You can get it by scoring 2800 on the Gunner's Gauntlet. Add that and a Crystal Bangle to Paine will give her high defense and HP, though she'll be slow. It also helps to break the HP Barrier, there are two grips which do that, Higher Power being the easier to get, but I forget where I got it. Anyway, if you get knocked down to 7000 or below in HP, use an X-Potion, since you'll be slow, he gets lots of moves. After that turn, you can use a mega phoenix and bring both of the girls back.
You could also look into Mascot, if you have it. It has the highest HP.
03-13-2004, 08:11 PM
the only thing that is keeping me from beating via infinito is defeating paragon and i have no yet battle with trema. i have a high lvl mdef and yet my party still get kill by "Genisis"..any tips on beating paragon would be alot of help for me..thanks
03-17-2004, 04:46 AM
Basic "strategy": Equip a character with the Cat Nip accessory and the gunner dressphere. If you have a Speed Bracer, add that. At the beginning of the battle, kill the character, and use a phoenix down. Their health will need to be in the yellow, so only use a phoenix down or a mega phoenix - no casting magic. Have the character use Trigger Happy. You can kill him in a couple of rounds.
03-17-2004, 05:27 AM
i am really stuck here!!! ok im on level 80 and i cant beat that chac guy. ive read a lot of things on how to beat him but i dont have what u need to do it. im no good at sphere break so i dont have lady luck, i cant figure out y i cant get the mascot dressphere, i didnt get the invincable, enterprise, key to sucess, adamantite, iron duke(which i cant till i beat trema)
i do have the cat nip and 2 crystal bangles, speed bracer, etc. my characters are all level 99. can anyone tell me how to beat chac with these things?
03-17-2004, 09:38 PM
Set someone up with Dark Knight. Put them on whichever sphere grid gives maximum defense added on. Give them one of the crystal bangles, and whatever else you can find to raise defense. You can actually do this on two of the characters.
Set the third character up with the following:
Gunner Dressphere
Highroad Winds Garment Grid
Speed Bracer
Cat Nip
If you have saved after reaching level 80, go down into the Cloister of Trials (you can get there via the main lift), get in a battle, and kill this character. Use a phoenix down in the menu. WITHOUT SAVING, go down to Chac. Start the battle with trigger happy, and have on of the other characters use a Light Curtain to get protect on everyone.
You cannot guard against Chac's stone glare thing, so be ready on the softs. Just be quick about the Trigger Happying, and you can get her in two rounds.
You could also have a warrior use Delay Buster on Chac, it'll buy you more time.
03-18-2004, 03:10 AM
i beat Paragon a few times, and this works:
YUNA: Gunner-trigger happy, Haste ring, cat nip, 1st strike grid
RIKKU: Dark knight, 100%HP ring, Haste ring, defense grid
PAINE: Dark knight, 100%HP ring, another HPring/defense ring, defense grid
Use only yellow-Yuna (TriggerHappy) to attack, the other 2 keep throwing Phonex down on Yuna even she's still alive (coz it'll be too late if u wait til she die), or Mega Phonex when neccessay. Don't even bother with healing.
It'll take 1.2 trigger happy to take him down. And one of Rikku/Paine will survive his Gensis when I set their defense+HP hgh.
It'd be great if u have Iron Duke ring or break HP limit ring/grid, but not neccessary.
03-19-2004, 03:01 PM
Ok, yes this way is cheap to some people, but if you really really cannot get past Paragon/Trema, it works. And for some people, just getting past it is an accomplishment, no matter how it's done. Go into the fight with Paragon with two lady lucks and one alchemist. Immediately have the lady luck bribe Paragon. I think it takes like a million gil, but if you run the girls around with 3 lady luck, they're all level 100 and have gillionaire and you're swimming in the gil and items anyway. Anyway, bribing him with that will net you somewhere between 7 to 14 dark matter. And why does that matter? Because then at the start of the fight with Trema, you have your alchemist mix one of those dark matters with any other item and you have invincibility on your girls. While the alchemist is mixing btw, have the other two drop a stamina tonic on themselves to double their max hp, two of those will put your hps critical. Invincible, beaucoup hps, critical and lady luck (or gunner if you don't have it) and your four dice or trigger happy your way into trouncing Trema once and for all. By the way, I'd suggest mixing those invincible "hero's drink"s until he's toast, it may take two or three times, but that still leaves you extra for later. And you can come back to that bottom level and keep bribing Paragon for more dark matters after the fighting is all said and done. Is handy for new game plus.
03-21-2004, 04:44 AM
Okay i finally made it down to paragon/trema and i found paragon easy but trema is a different story i don't think its to fair to go into the second battle with a boss that has twice the mp/hp and your stuck in critical. So i tried to bribe paragon first and he kills my lady luck before she even gets a chance and i have her on high winds and im quick about it but no luck. So i figured i would try to use that cat/nip with lady luck and do that 4 dice and easily kill them both that didn't work either even with the speed bracer it takes to long.I am up to 850,000 in gil and everyone is at level 99 i have paine on that crystal bangle and a magic defence booster as a dark knight(mastered) rikku as a mastered black knight with defense booster and a titanium bangle and yuna as my gunner with cat/nip and speed bracer. Highwind garmet grid for yuna and valiant lustre for the two dark knights. What should i change to beat these two bosses????
03-22-2004, 02:19 AM
I really have to suggest the Adamantite accessory. You'll have to leave the Cloisters to get it, but it is very much worth it. (HP+100%, Def+120, MDf+120, Auto-Wall, Agl-30)
With that, a character has more hope of survivng, though they will be slower. It would be beneficial if the person wearing it could break the HP barrier, too. Add it to Dark Knight and a crystal bangle, and they will be able to last a bit longer. Use mega-phoenixes and x-potions with them, but don't waste a turn to attack. It WILL be slow.
You get the Adamantite by scoring 2800 in the Gunner's Gauntlet at Besaid. Don't worry if you've only gotten 500 or so, it gets easier to rack up points as your level increases.
03-22-2004, 05:23 AM
Thanks for the help i did that guantlet and got that accessory i read on a game faq to use it with a speed bracer since your so slow and all. So i put paine as a dark knight on that valiant lustre with adamantite and speed bracer. Rikku on high winds with cat nip/speed bracer and in critical. Then for yuna i used dark knight and used the crystal bangle so her and paine both have 9,999 life and a defence veil for +40 defense both the knights have valian lustre as the gg. So i beat paragon again with hardly losing any life with paine but like always yuna and rikku die so i start the patch off bringing back rikku to start the trigger happy's. I do my best to keep paine at 9,999 because the last 10 times i think trema is about to die then he does that meteor and even with that speed bracer i can't keep her hp high enough to survive it so all 3 of the girls die.I also tried using an alchemist(sp??) thinking since i have no x potions in stock only high potions and mega potions if i keep giving x potions to paine so she can keep rikku alive i could beat him. I seriously think trema knows what im thinking and he kills of my gunner and alchemist knowing that im to slow to do anything,is there anything i can do to get more x potions in chapter 5 because without them i don't think im ever going to beat trema??
03-23-2004, 10:03 PM
I'm having trouble with the floors between 60 and 80. All of my characters are level 99 and I have the Cat Nip accessory and Rabite's Foot equipped to Yuna, who is my gunner, so that she always attacks for 9999, and so I am able to defeat Mega Tonberries and other difficult bosses in this way. But every now and then, a Mega Tonberry will oversoul, kill everyone in my party, and restart my game. I've gotten to level 73 about eight times and I'm starting to get very frusterated. Does anyone have any pointers or do I just need to keep trying? Thanks!
03-23-2004, 10:06 PM
aviod the mega tonberry lol. That may sound stupid but he can be avoided everytime. On the floor with Mega's every where i just leave the floor and reenter. If your at level 99 don't be afraid to run from certain fights you won't get anything out of it except money and AP.
03-23-2004, 10:25 PM
But sometimes he can't be avoided. I know how to avoid him on the floor in which he is standing straight in front of you - you go under him. But there is more than one floor where he stands right in your path and there's no way around him, especially the floor with Tonberries everywhere. I can't run from fights with Mega Tonberries - can you? My game won't let me. And if you leave, don't you have to start over from the last boss floor?
03-23-2004, 10:45 PM
Let me repeat myself, there is always a way to aviod him. I have beaten this via twice so trust me. On the floor with Tonberries everywhere I told you what i do i leave the floor without touching any tonberries and reenter on a different floor. No if you leave you start from deepest cloister reached.
03-23-2004, 10:57 PM
Okay, thanks. I thought you could only reenter on every 20-th floor, for some reason. I understand now. Thanks again!
03-26-2004, 03:26 AM
What you can do is when you see that mega tronberrie i think its on levels 75-99 walking up and down that hall it looks like there is no room for you to get by,but if you go all the way to the left and press against the wall while running and and make sure your on the side with his latern and you can run right by him. Make sure you time this right he has to be walking away from you and not facting you if he turns around you will go into battle. Also if your like me and can't get this timing just right or touch his latern by accident you can take the longer way and wait until he is walking away again and walk down that ledge its the only on that has those flagas or banners can't tell for sure. Anyways walk all the way to the bottom where that mega tronberrie is walking and then turn turn to your left and face foward and make sure you are all the way against that ledge trying to go underneth it and press jump there is actually a walkway underneth that you can't see i dont' know why they didn't post this in the game faq guide but its there. If you are confused about where it exactly it is jus tpost back and i will try to do a better job of describing how to jump on to it hope this helps you.
03-27-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Al Bhed Babii
level 40 i cant be the stupid black elemental!
i had that same problem forever...someone stated that you need to be around level 70 or better to beat it....i had between 66 and 72 as far as levels go, and i killed it in 5 hits...but i stand byy ppl saying, and many have to use 2 dark knights, and a healer white mage....
i hit it 2x with darkness, 2x with black sky and just a regular attack...
it does work...
the great one
03-27-2004, 07:26 PM
ok im stuck on lvl 7 or 8 theres some thing that hit yuna kills here i one shot and to the nexted in 3 turns so quick how do i do it
plzzzzzzz help
03-27-2004, 10:26 PM
well you gotta be more specific...but if it is the elder drake you are talking about, there are two times you can run into it that i have seen....
one is travelling through the passage way where it keeps jumping out, when it jusmps back into its cubby, you can run past it...the other is when you are jumping the steps etc..there is one in between two steps, before you go to the step, you should be bale to vear off to the left, and there are some steps there..jump up those and ther will be a jump on that block and a panel or another block type apparatus comes out, and you can hop on top of that avoiding the drake...if it is not the drake you are talking about than i really dont know how to help you...
oh crapshake
03-31-2004, 03:49 AM
Is there a way to mix items and get a good holy attack to beat black Elemental?
oh crapshake
03-31-2004, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by the great one
ok im stuck on lvl 7 or 8 theres some thing that hit yuna kills here i one shot and to the nexted in 3 turns so quick how do i do it
plzzzzzzz help
^^^ I think that there is a Humumba in there too, with them just use special dressphere piece of cake.
03-31-2004, 04:24 AM
hey crapshake do you not have the dark knight dress?? If you do the only thing you have to do is one charon on a girl that is at level 99 and the match is over he only has a 9,999 hp. If you dont' all the gems you have now do the same amount of damage they just have different names but after you beat trema and paragon you get a supreme gem and a blessed gem that does instead of 1500 it does 6,000 which is a nice amount of holy damage. If your still stuck on level 40 and that holy doesn't work post what dresspheres you have and i will do my best to help you out.
oh crapshake
03-31-2004, 11:13 PM
Oh I have it I just never realized that. And my highest level is RIkku (lvl 61) but regardless i just assumed that the great one was at a low level.
04-02-2004, 03:49 PM
alright then!!!! give me advice to how to beat the 1st boss in chap 5? I at level 71 I use warrior and alchemist but too long I still got defeated. I dont suck this is my 1st time plaaying FFx2 so help?!!!!
04-02-2004, 04:19 PM
for got to mention. ok after you have beaten all the aeons and lablanc and her teams are w/ you but does not enter the place where it has a lot of electricity and you play this piano thing. I dont know what the boss is called but when it hits you it gains hp as well.
04-02-2004, 08:43 PM
that is not the via infinito, that is the road to farplane
oh crapshake
04-03-2004, 08:27 PM
Yea, via infinitio is in the room to the right of the entrance of the building in bevelle. Or at least thats where the door is to get there.
04-09-2004, 02:10 PM
I can't find the Via Infinito,can someone give me a better explain set of diretions?
04-09-2004, 10:31 PM
oh for the love of <sigh>
Go to Bevelle in chp. 5 then enter the main building, remember the room you entered to open the door to the other room to change the direction of the lift at the end of chapter 2 in Bevelle its there. Only opens if your in Chp 5.
Basically its the room in Bevelle's main building thats on the right.
04-10-2004, 08:59 PM
u should see a scene with the kinderguardians afterwards,ok now attention..u see that glowing thing??hmmm?thats it!!!
04-11-2004, 01:38 PM
Ok, Paragon is hard. My strategy is i equip everyone with garment grid Higher power, Dressphere Mascot(all 3 with all abilities learnt), Acessoriesfor Yuna and Paine are Invincible and Crystal Bangle, and for Rikku is Cat Nip and Crystal Bangle. Health for everyone is approximately 13100Hp. I have Yuna and Rikku repeatedly heal the Party and Paine keep using Cactling Gun, and a Soul Spring to replenish Mp. Everyone is at Level 99. Attack is no worries, Genesis i can counter with Moogle Cureja, but before i get his health down to Zilch, he keeps using The Big Bang and killing all my people. Is there anything wrong with my strategy?
Ps: i dont like using the Cat Nip Trigger happy strategy, because my people keep dying. And i don't like changing Dressphere because it kills me while im in a weaker dressphere.
04-12-2004, 12:47 AM
I'm sorry to keep repeating the same question... but I'm stumped. I'm still trying to get past the Elder Drake. I've gone to the left, as suggested earlier, but I still get into battle with it. What am I doing wrong?
04-12-2004, 08:56 AM
Ok, if youre talking about the cloisters which shows the Elder Drake in the hole, then from where you start, go backwards until you see a path leading left and right. Go along the left path, climb up and step on the block. Doing so will make some blocks appear above the Elder Drake. Now jump on the blocks and go across to acess the next cloister. Don't forget to speak to the Tonberry on the left to recieve an item!
04-12-2004, 09:54 AM
go in a straight line while jumping over the blocks,and keep ur finger pressed on O
04-12-2004, 03:21 PM
Ah hah! It's behind where you start and to the left! Excellent. Thank you so much, Coppo.
04-12-2004, 07:38 PM
in case ur wondering there will be 2 more(areas) times u will meet with the elder drake...theres 1 where he jumps out in the areas of the floor,and another 1 hell be waiting for u to jump down from the floor..hell be waiting for u so when u get on the wall go to the left or to the right
04-28-2004, 08:28 PM
Can someone give me a list of items that are in the dungeon(from bosses and chests if there are any)?
05-11-2004, 06:32 PM
as far as I know you can get Crimson Sphere 6 and 8 in Via Infinito, when you beat the black elemental you get Moon Bracer,
Shining Bracer(auto-protect!), Speed Bracer(auto-haste!) and Cat Nip. You have to fight a lot of fiends, the first are very easy, but after every 20 floors you have to beat a boss (and you have 100 floors ;)) and when you go deeper in the cloister the fiends get stronger..
The bosses:
20th floor: Aranea
40th floor: Black Elemental
60th floor:Concherer
80th floor: Chac
100th floor: Paragon and Trema
05-13-2004, 03:56 AM
There is this really nasty slug on level sixty and he won't die. He keeps beating me over the head with his tongue. I have accesories that raise my health a lot but it isn't enough. I use to dark nights and an alchemist but she always dies before I can get a megapotion out of her. I thought about using four dice and catnip but I think any of the girls will die too soon. I am at approximately level seventy with my girls. What is the strategy?
P.S If anyone is still having trouble with that dark elemental just cast reflect on yourself and then you can laugh at him.
05-13-2004, 05:53 PM
when u start the battle..have ur gunner with the catnip equipped with sprint shoes or a speed bracer,but make sure ur in critical mode bf u start the battle..use the others as supporters
05-16-2004, 09:16 PM
If you're having serious problems use CONGRATS! on him...
05-21-2004, 06:35 AM
I got to the snake thing with Lady Yunalesca. I tried to use stone proof objects and skills and she still turns me to stone. I also tried to use a gunner with catnip but she kills me too fast. I use the other girls for support. I am level 85 now.
I also heard that if you can get her to oversoul the battle is easier. If this is true where can I find tiny versions of her(little snakes). Any help you can give me is majorly appreciated. I really can't get the hang of bosses that can kill all of your characters in one shot. Thanks a lot for your help. :D
05-21-2004, 12:02 PM
the 'little snakes' as you call them are basilisk type fiends, you can find one type at mushroom rock
also Chac is vulnrable to delay.......
05-22-2004, 08:00 PM
to beat elder drake i suggest mastering berserk
there's this attack where if an enemy hits you physically, you evade it and you get to attack back so it works wonders on the elder drake
i got to lv. 60 .. but i can never beat it.. how do you guys suggest beating him? i tried the cat nip trick but that didn't work >__<
05-22-2004, 09:54 PM
wel, I did try the Cat Nip, it worked for me a few times, but when the elder drake hits you're gunner (with cat nip) first, she will die, so you just have to have the luck of him not beating your gunner first.. If he doesn't, you will be able to beat the guy, especially when you have first strike garment grid.
05-23-2004, 10:32 AM
yeah. the berserk part works well. jus have a first strike garment grid, cat nip on gunner, a berserker, and a haste effect on a healer
05-24-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Vidina
wel, I did try the Cat Nip, it worked for me a few times, but when the elder drake hits you're gunner (with cat nip) first, she will die, so you just have to have the luck of him not beating your gunner first.. If he doesn't, you will be able to beat the guy, especially when you have first strike garment grid. fact..u can literally have the luck
just equip ur gunner with a rabites foot and ur gunner will never be the 1 whom gets targeted(u get rabite's foot from the giant cactuar in case ur wondering,itll be a rare drop)
05-25-2004, 01:30 PM
okay! I'm going to try that.
But I have another question: I just defeated Chac, and I'm on my way to Paragon and Trema, but it takes a lot of time, because the cloisters are different and the fiends are tougher. And I only see the fiends wich I defeated before in the cloister. Are there any other fiends? And how long did it took you before you got to Paragon and Trema?
06-08-2004, 05:19 AM
Well, I didn't beat them yet and I'm where you are. The bosses you've defeated are in that level and other medium to hard fiends. It's pretty tough, you need to be about the level 90's to get through.
06-09-2004, 06:48 PM
Where do you get the Higher Power garment grid? I could really use it to help me in Via Infinito
06-10-2004, 06:15 PM
u could have asked this question in the items forum..or u could have searched it and found this file ^_^
06-11-2004, 07:30 AM
Oops, ok sorry. I even searched google and I was surprised to find no answers :D
06-11-2004, 04:21 PM
Please stay on topic.....this is about the Vio Infinito.....not Items/Acc including GG's
be careful in future
06-11-2004, 09:15 PM
Does Black Elememtal ALWAYS cast ultima first thing? He's done that the past 4 times I tried. Also, what is a suitable level for this point in time. I'm around level 60.
06-11-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by realEmotion
Does Black Elememtal ALWAYS cast ultima first thing? He's done that the past 4 times I tried. Also, what is a suitable level for this point in time. I'm around level 60.
look here for a good strategy to beat Black Elemental (
i was level 70 by the time i faced it.
06-12-2004, 12:29 PM
Yeah, just use charon with a character with more than 5000 hp and he's dead. I was around level 60 too, so you should be fine.
No he doesn't always cast Ultima first time, when I first fought Black Elemental he used flare then ultima. i died :-(
06-12-2004, 04:22 PM
Thank you so much. I used charon and killed him. But I was wondering if Magical Masque works against the other bosses in Via Infinito. I was saving Den of Woe until after I killed Trema, but if I can use that attack, I might leave and come back. I also want to make sure I can still return to the deepest cloister reached if I leave Bevelle.
06-12-2004, 04:26 PM
cant go wrong with Trigger Happy with Catnip accesory, but its best to use a soulspring first
06-12-2004, 06:49 PM
u can re-enter ur deepest cloister reached during any time of the game.....u should have an easy time at the den of woe if ur lvl 55+
06-14-2004, 10:37 PM
I'm having a whole lot of trouble with Chac. I've tried the catnip stratagy and using delay attacks(which don't seem to delay much at all). Paine (my highest level character) is level 80. I have tried auto life, but Chac kills my character before she is able switch Dresspheres (so that she CAN cast it) and cast the spell. My catnip gunner (Rikku) and Yuna (The one trying to cast auto life) have auto haste accessories and Rikku is on the Highroad winds GG with 1st strike. Any tips? I don't have any limit break GGs or accessories. :( :crutches:
06-15-2004, 05:18 AM
try equippping ur gunner with sprint shoes(first strike)...u should be able to take out chac in one burst
06-15-2004, 06:51 AM
Don't you get rikku and yuna's special garment grids in the storyline??
I am stuck on the boss on level 60, anyone have any good methods on beating him without catnip? Maybe ultima and invincible...
06-16-2004, 01:52 AM
well, since no one's posting on my "new thread", I will post here.
about the "mega tonberry", id rather fight it than run so is there any way to fight it and win? if not, will it accept a bribe of about..115000? or does it only accept bribes which are 200000 or more? thank you, that is all.
Swift Death To Evil
06-16-2004, 02:51 AM
hahaha off-topic and you posted the same damn thing 20 minutes apart and that would be spam.
warning given!
06-16-2004, 04:21 AM
how is that off topic? the only tyme i see Mega Tonberry is in Via Infinito, and im asking how to defeat him. I asked for either a battle strategy, or how much gil i should try and use to pay him off, that is all. So, if you would, answer my question. That is what this thread is for, correct?
06-19-2004, 08:02 PM
I'm not sure how much gil it would take, but I'm guessing a lot. The best way to defeat Mega Tonberries is to avoid them. You never have to fight them. If you do end up fighting them, use the Catnip accesory trick.
06-19-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by PyroGoth
how is that off topic? the only tyme i see Mega Tonberry is in Via Infinito, and im asking how to defeat him. I asked for either a battle strategy, or how much gil i should try and use to pay him off, that is all. So, if you would, answer my question. That is what this thread is for, correct?
you also see Mega Tonberry in that cave in Bikanel
anyhow, if you wanna beat Mega Tonberry, use your dark knight DS with alchemist or do what i do master all of your berserker and just attack?
if you wanna use gil, use all of it? O_o
does that help in anyway?
07-01-2004, 05:56 AM
I might be alittle behind the times because i am alittle new and this has probably already been figured out. When fighting the Black element and you aren't as good as most of these guys. Just take a dark knight and use charon. You will kill the bacl elemtent in 1 hit. However the one char that you use charm won't get the exp but you will get to move on.
07-02-2004, 10:14 AM
I am currently in the 60's lvl of the Via. I keep having to fight the mega Ton's, Sometimes I win, sometimes I die. I am using 2 Dark Knights and a gunner.. both Dark Knights have 9999 Hp and the Gunner is 5100 (rounded). My Gunner is using Cat Nip and a speed Bracer and i keep health in the yellow. The part i keep dying in is the lower part when you have to kill 3 of the 4 Mega TonBerrys for the floor to drop so that you can continue to the next lvl. But i keep dying . If he hits my gunner first i can't bring her back fast enough before the mega tonberry owns me. Any suggestions?
Sorry if this has been asked before. Just so many topics to go through.
07-02-2004, 10:40 AM
If you have the mascot spheres, I would recommend you use that as it promise stronger defense and magic defense. Also equiping items that help you boost your defense would helps alot. Rather than that, try leveling up a bit more ^_^
07-02-2004, 05:52 PM
The trick with tonberries is to not fight them. On the level you mentioned above, if you will turn the camera the right way, you'll be able to see the warp pad that will take you out of the level. You never have to fight the Mega Tonberry. If you accidentally get into a battle with it, you should be able to kill it. Equip your gunner with a Rabite's Foot, which raises luck by 100.
07-04-2004, 02:23 AM
I'm glad to find this thread! I've been having problems with these guys too! and my girls are Level 99!
07-04-2004, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by abbey
The trick with tonberries is to not fight them. On the level you mentioned above, if you will turn the camera the right way, you'll be able to see the warp pad that will take you out of the level. You never have to fight the Mega Tonberry. If you accidentally get into a battle with it, you should be able to kill it. Equip your gunner with a Rabite's Foot, which raises luck by 100.
That doesn't help at all. It just takes you out and avoiding fighting them. If your using a gunner that has cat nip it just messes you up. There has to be a better way. How many lvls are there like that in the first place.. it starts at 61 ang goes to...?
07-04-2004, 10:04 AM
it starts at lvl zero and it goes up to down to lvl - 100
07-04-2004, 04:29 PM
Yes it does help. If you leave the level, you can reenter at the same level you left from. Since the levels are random, you shouldn't get the same level twice. That is the only level you have to actually leave from. In most levels with Mega Tonberries, there is a way to get around them so that you do not have to fight them.
07-04-2004, 06:08 PM
I agree..... That's the only one that I have come across that you have to leave and can't get to tanother level from it!
I don't like that Mega tonberry level! It's really tricky to get thru the level without getting into a fight.
But I have realized, that on some of the levels, that the mega tonberry is walking back and forth, if you walk past them, don't run....or just stand still, and let them walk past you....they don't start a battle scene!
07-04-2004, 07:34 PM
Is there ever a time when you HAVE to fight a mega tonberry in Via infinito?
07-04-2004, 07:38 PM
No there isn't, Mega Tonberry and Elder Drake are always optional.
I used to see catnip as a sort of cheating method, but not anymore, as I can't even defeat Paragon/Trema with it!
07-05-2004, 07:38 AM
Ok having a bit of trouble. on lvl 80 of the dungeon Chac owns the heck out of me. I am using 2 darn knights and a gunner. I am supposed to be stone proof, but with Chac i guess that just goes out the window. I tried using delay however Chac stones me before I have a chance to cast it. Any other suggestions or idea's. Kinda of hard to get past him.
07-05-2004, 07:40 AM
Ok well I guess ill have to stick with that. Massacre I didn't mean how many total lvls in the dungeon. I actually meant how many lvls with the mega tonberrys.
07-05-2004, 08:14 AM go here to find it out, but this should be in the stuck V.I help thread....merging and warning given
07-05-2004, 01:40 PM
Well, I'm currently on level 80, and having a hard time beating Chac!
I've tried just about everything I could think of. I've done, Yuna as gunner, & Paine & Rikku as dark knights, I've tried them as Berzerkers..... They all have cat nip and speed bracers. I've tried Paine and yuna as gunners..... I've tried Yuna as a samurai, and Rikku as an alchemist. I also tried them all on there special dress spheres, and even though the book says the floral fallal has a ribbon on, he still stoned her! If I could get something that says stoneproof and actually is stoneproof with this guy, then I think I can beat him, but it's the stoning that messes me up!
I have even tried putting them all on the double hitpoints grid, and the luck +30 grid...... and I still can't beat him!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
07-05-2004, 01:52 PM
Merged with the V.I help thread.
07-05-2004, 02:01 PM
No there isn't, Mega Tonberry and Elder Drake are always optional.
Well, I beg to differ. There were a couple of boards on the 100 level dungeon that I would jump off a platform to get to the next level, and I would actually jump onto another platform with an Elder drake on it!
But I was strong enough, and I learned a trick, so It was no problem! After that, I started fighting them every chance I got, to get the mega experience they gave!
07-05-2004, 04:46 PM
After you get past level 80, you will also encounter Elder Drakes in random battles.
07-06-2004, 07:52 AM
I am guessing no one has a good answer for the chac question
07-06-2004, 08:10 AM
no one looks anymore........i already posted a link for you
look here for tips on beating Chac
and be patient in future, what you have posted adds nothin to the thread.
07-06-2004, 02:45 PM
With Chac, I just kept trying. Eventualy I killed him with trigger Happy catnip. My gunner was the only one left... It's part luck. Just hope that he doesn't use Heaven's Cateract.
07-06-2004, 02:55 PM
How come you can't guard against petrification against chac? i found that so annoying
07-06-2004, 07:26 PM
its just the way they made the makes it more challenging dont ya think?
07-07-2004, 12:09 AM
Well, I just bribed him 20,000,000 gil..... and he gave me a supreme Bracer and left!
AH!! I didn't think that would work.....but I gave him just about all the gil I had! I thought what do I have to loose.....but the gil! and it worked!
07-07-2004, 09:37 PM
hi, i am new on this forums...
i am also stuck whith chac, but any way, i wanted to ask if being lvl 75 aprox. is enough.
07-07-2004, 10:42 PM
No, I am level 99, and the only way I beat him, was to bribe him!
07-08-2004, 06:16 PM
I beat him at level 80. It's not that hard. Put Cat Nip on your Gunner and give them a Rabite's Foot. It should take about three trigger happies to kill him. Remember to give the Cat Nip to a Gunner who has mastered the dressphere, because the last two moves learned make Trigger Happy last longer.
07-08-2004, 08:17 PM
i finnaly beat him, her, whatever!!!Is it right that i only got a shining gem?
07-08-2004, 11:32 PM
That's all I got when I bribed him!
So I guess that's the standard!!!
07-10-2004, 10:28 AM
hello :)
im now in infinito , (dungeon)lvl 54 i had my first "mega tonberry"fight but um, 1 hit of him causes 24000hp? damn this one's hard. i want to learn the cry in the night...
the first 2 bosses were easy, that elemental defeated in less than a minute.. charon :) so the "cat nip" was easy to get i guess. Pretty neat thing though with yuna as a gunner i shot that angra "mainyu" in the bikanal to cr%$p, triggy happy rules :)
anyway some tips for battling that tonberry? thnx
(excuse for my english)
07-10-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by snoek!
hello :)
im now in infinito , (dungeon)lvl 54 i had my first "mega tonberry"fight but um, 1 hit of him causes 24000hp? damn this one's hard. i want to learn the cry in the night...
the first 2 bosses were easy, that elemental defeated in less than a minute.. charon :) so the "cat nip" was easy to get i guess. Pretty neat thing though with yuna as a gunner i shot that angra "mainyu" in the bikanal to cr%$p, triggy happy rules :)
anyway some tips for battling that tonberry? thnx
(excuse for my english)
If you are on the forum default posts per page, go back to page 6 ( of this thread and some members adressed the problem of the mega tonberry
07-11-2004, 09:57 PM
I've been skimming through this thread, but i'm not sure if this has been answered or not.
100 levels of dungeon is a LOT of time to go down. If we go up by the glyphs again, will I have to start over from the start or what? =/
Ryan T. Loveless
07-12-2004, 03:12 PM
help i am stuck at where u fight the elder drake the first time. he is so hard. i try to run past him but i cant, he is to quick. how do u beat him guys.
07-12-2004, 09:05 PM
I just have one question, it seems that I've went through everyting in the game, and even finished the game and I'om only 99% done. But the only thing I can see wrong is that in Bevelle I went through the cloisters and all, killed paragon and Trema. But why didn't I get episode complete? Paragon is still standing at the back of the last cloister with a tonberry does this have anything to do with getting Episode complete?
I finished everything I went through all the lvls and defeated him, what am I missing in there that apparently leaves me from getting Episode complete?
The Via seems to be the only thing that was not completed. Any help would be great.
07-12-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Crimson
I've been skimming through this thread, but i'm not sure if this has been answered or not.
100 levels of dungeon is a LOT of time to go down. If we go up by the glyphs again, will I have to start over from the start or what? =/
Yes if you go up you will be able to go back to the last lvl you reached in the dungeon
07-13-2004, 02:54 PM
To defeat the Elder Drakes, I put Yuna on Berserker and Paine and Rikku on Dark Knight. Yuna is too fast for the Drake, so he can never actually hit her. Paine and Rikku perform Darkness each turn, and if either of them dies, Yuna takes care of it. He'll die in no time.
07-14-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Murdock
I just have one question, it seems that I've went through everyting in the game, and even finished the game and I'om only 99% done. But the only thing I can see wrong is that in Bevelle I went through the cloisters and all, killed paragon and Trema. But why didn't I get episode complete? Paragon is still standing at the back of the last cloister with a tonberry does this have anything to do with getting Episode complete?
I finished everything I went through all the lvls and defeated him, what am I missing in there that apparently leaves me from getting Episode complete?
The Via seems to be the only thing that was not completed. Any help would be great.
u wont c an episode complete...but it will be completed..thats just the way it is
99% hmm..u must have missed something..the same thing happened to me
paragon is just there so u can fight him again so u can oversoul it
Diamond Weapon
07-14-2004, 11:39 PM
It's impossible to beat Trema. He always uses Meteor after I do Trigger happy 4 times. I've tried all the things you guys have suggested and I still can't beat him. Where else can I encounter the Jumbo Cactuar? I've laready passed the levels with him and I saved on Level 99. I want to get Adamantite but I'm really not good at the Gunner's Gauntlet. I'm thinking about just beating the game and going through new game plus. Help please, on the Cactuar question.
07-15-2004, 06:31 PM
well uif u cant beat trema..i just guess it bc of ur inability..just keep going at it ..and hopefully ull beat him
u can re-encounter the jumbo cactar at the previous lvl by choosing 1 of the grand cloisters..then when u want to go to trema..just choose the lowest lvl reached!
07-16-2004, 12:03 AM
I can't seem to get past level 90.......... I got to Level 90, and I've been trying and trying, and I can't get past level 90....... and I have the higher power my girls have 12000 or so hitpoints....... but I can't seem to get past that Mushroom Cloud!
I don't understand....Ribbon is supposed to protect you from all status attacks....but that thing still makes me Itchy and poisoned....even in the Mascot Outfit!
Would the Super Ribbon work here?
07-16-2004, 10:44 AM
well the ribbon doesnt protect against itchy and ull just have to find another way
i dont think the super ribbon would work either
anyway...dont give up,ull eventually get to trema,just keep at it ;)
07-16-2004, 12:23 PM
In case no one noticed the edit on the first page, i have linked battle guides for the toughest enemies in the V.I.
Quick Links to battle guides
Paragon (
Trema (
Chac (
Black Elemental (
Mega Tonberry (
Elder Drakes (
07-30-2004, 10:30 PM
07-31-2004, 01:18 AM
Please don't spam the rules ( a link can be found in my signature ). Consider this a warning.
09-04-2004, 11:46 PM
How can I beat that giant slug looking thing? The name escapes me right now, but he has more than 100,000 HP. I think he's the 5th monster you have to beat in the Via Infinito.
09-05-2004, 08:37 AM
His name is Concherer(I think?) and you have to equip Yuna with the Catnip accesory then use trigger happy on him 3-4 times and he will go down. it took m like 4 tries but I got it.
Shooting Star
09-06-2004, 07:32 AM
Right, i'm not sure if you mean Concherer or Chac. Chac kind of fits the desription better, i'll give you tips on how to defeat both though.........
Concherer: He only knows 3 attacks, but they are all poweful and inflicts heavy damage. A good tip is too equip accesories that boost evasion to dodge his attacks.
My advice is just to go all out attack and power, use your strongest stuff and Dresspheres and use Cat Nip as well. Just use your strongest attacks and your best combination of dresspheres and accessories.
Chac ( which look like a dragon-slug ): In the first 5 rounds, it will unleash Heavens Cataract, which inflicts high damage. Another attack inflicts petrification, which i don't think you can guard against but use either white mage's Esuna or an item like soft to cure you form this status affect.
Auto-Life is one of your best bets in this battle, and also the Bushido ability Dismissal.
Again, use your strongest stuff and your best combinations.
Just if you want to know........
Concherer: 343280 HP
Chac: 437850 HP
Hope this helps! ^_^
09-06-2004, 07:50 AM
Both of them can be killed using trigger happy, but the mascot dressphere also helps. Beware of Chac, cos he'll petrify you and you can't cure it!
Shooting Star
09-06-2004, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by fineasapie
Both of them can be killed using trigger happy, but the mascot dressphere also helps. Beware of Chac, cos he'll petrify you and you can't cure it!
Errrrm, yes you can cure it by using Esuna, and soft. But you can't guard against it.
Also, another battle combination is 2 Dark Knights and maybe an Alchemist, never got Alchemist dressphere but you can mix some pretty good stuff up i hear.
But, take note, Chac is weak to ice, so you can do ice attacks which will be more affective. ^_^
09-06-2004, 12:05 PM
lol yeah, thats the one, sorry. My mistake, I knew it was one of the two. Eitherway, it's annoying. The first time I did it I didn't even realise I'd been petrified... Duh!
09-06-2004, 01:31 PM
Vio Infinito threads merged.
09-06-2004, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them and see what happens. ;)
09-22-2004, 04:23 PM
hi folks. i'm having some trouble getting past chac. my girls are at level 99, but i don't have the adamantile accesory. do i really need it to beat chac? or is there a way to beat chac without needing the adamantile?
Shooting Star
09-22-2004, 05:57 PM
Well, i don't think you would need it, because.....
All your girls are level 99, soyou should easily beat it.
The only thing i would use if i were you, going into the battle, is a good stock of softs. Or, have a White Mage ( using Esuna ) in your squad. That will overcome the problem of petricfication.
Better still, use a special dressphere to be immune to petricifcation.
Hope this helps! ^_^
09-23-2004, 05:12 AM
Thanky, Shooting Star! I'll have to let ya know how it goes, if I don't get myself and my party killed in the process!!! lol :)
10-02-2004, 05:12 PM
any1 know how 2 beat trema? i hav catnip and i mastered gunner, i made it passed paragon once but i still need help to beat him also. can any1 tell me how to beat them? plzzzzzz im desprate!!!
10-02-2004, 05:15 PM
moving into "In Game Help"
If you got any questions or concerns about playing the game.. whether you're stuck somewhere, please go there first. ^_^
EDIT: I'll merge this with the "Via Infinito" thread..
10-13-2004, 08:29 AM
I know this is a cheap way to beating enemies, but if you are really stuck just use the CONGRATS! trick on everything. I think everything can be bribed in Via Infinito, at least all the bosses can except Trema.
The CONGRATS! trick is when you pause the game just as the red seven's tip comes up near the top or near the middle, then pressing X at the right moment after unpausing the game. If you get 3 red 7's your Lady Luck performs CONGRATS!, which GIVES you gil, gives you whatever the item was that is needed to be bribed, and gives you the normal items/gil had you won the battle the hard way.
I sometimes get DUD though, which takes away 75% of the girls' HP, so make sure you are healed up before doing this.
The person who wrote about using the Dark Matters bribed from Paragon had the right idea...
10-17-2004, 08:51 PM
A good way to stop a lot of Trema's attacks is to use a Soul Spring on him. This will reduce his MP to 0 so he can no longer cast Flare, Demi, or Ultima. then Cast Protect to hinder his powerful speedy attacks. After that, then you should Catnip him. Make sure to only do it once in a while, because if you keep your Catnip Gunner in Yellow Hp, you might as well be saying your goodbyes to her. Be sure to heal up whenever possible, and if your Gunner just so happens to slip into Yellow Hp, then use Catnip.
11-24-2004, 02:47 AM
i beat paragon and trema, then he said something and that was it. i heard that i am supposed to get an episode complete, but i did not. i jumped in the hole at the opposite end from the entrance. i went back to level 100, and paragon was there again with a tonberry in front it. i fought it again and beat it, and nothing happened.
can someone tell me what is supposed to happen, and if i am supposed to get an episode complete? if so, tell me what i am doing wrong.
11-24-2004, 09:56 PM
Well, I need a bit more specific guide to get to via infinito.....
Could someone please give it to me???? I could really need it....
11-25-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by mobster103
Well, I need a bit more specific guide to get to via infinito.....
Could someone please give it to me???? I could really need it....
umm this thread just offers help if you're stuck in something in that section of the game
if you want some kind of walkthrough on it, try
01-01-2005, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by mobster103
Well, I need a bit more specific guide to get to via infinito.....
Could someone please give it to me???? I could really need it....
I'm afraid no one can give you a really specific guide as the game generates random map on each level, so it's different for everyone. :\
Just look on every floor where you can actually jump down to the lower levels. Once you get famaliar with the maps they use[it's repeated], it will be very easy to navigate.
When you get to Level 20, 40, 60 and so forth, a teleport thigny to each of these floors will be available on Floor 0.[Correct me if I'm wrong. X.x]
01-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Question, I have 98% in the game, someone told me that if I completed Via infinito it would automatically fill in the percentages I needed to complete the game becuz it is a bonus part of the game? Is this true?
01-13-2005, 02:49 AM
You'll gain 1% when you get the mascot dressphere I think and like 0.4% on Via infinito.
Well, a plan to beat Trema.
I was level 78.
Yuna equipped with Cat nip and Hase bangler, and FIRST STRIKE garment grid (Mihen~) That will grant Yuna to attack first.
Paine as a dark knight with crystal bangle and the 60+ defence item. (Dont remember name)
Rikku the same as pain. I acctually killed Trema on my 2nd try, the boss before Trema is easy as hell when you do like this.
02-06-2005, 07:46 AM
anyone have any tips on how to beat that boss on floor 80 of Via Infinito. Yuna is lvl 99, Rikku is lvl 80, and Paine is lvl 84. I dont have trainer or mascot. i missed crimson sphere 1 and 5 so i cant do the den of woe. i have 83% of the game complete, and the dress spheres are as follows.
White mage
lady luck
gunmage (dont have all blue mage skills...i have annihilator, whitewind, bad breath, seed cannon, absorb, and blaster)
Floral is all maxed too...break hp and damage limit as well.
black mage
Machina Maw has everything maxed out, break hp and damage limit as well
Full Throttle isnt maxed out at all. i hardly use it
if there is any more information that u might need, and/or can help...please do. thank you!
02-06-2005, 10:00 AM
wow.. well there's an "In-Game Help" sub-forum here if you look at the top somewhere. There is a thread that deals with people having problems in Via Infinito. But since you seemed to have put effort into this thread, I'll merge it ^_^
I wish I could help you though but I haven't been that far in that place yet :\
02-14-2005, 05:03 AM
im having trubble with the boss on floor 60 i think, the giant slug in a shell, it kills me b4 i can get 1 hit on him, my ppl are between lvl 78-80
02-14-2005, 07:35 AM
wel are you using the Cat Nip cuz normaly those are the stuff you need to use it for
02-20-2005, 03:51 AM
I am stuck in the Leblanc basement (after you massage Leblanc you open the door and go through). I found the 2nd and 3rd security "button" to unlock the door to continue through but I can't find the first one. Can you help me.
02-20-2005, 03:54 AM
after being chased by the giant spikes, you will notice if you go in 1 of the holes that is stops, head the oposit way that the spikes are moving and, presto! there should be a cut scene and the switch is on the back wall, and btw, this is the forum for the via infinito, i can c ur pretty new, private message me if u want help
02-20-2005, 07:11 AM
dont u have to let the spikes almost hit u and they girls jump up to the lil spot that u cant actually jump to on ur own. then hit the switch, then hit the other 2 switches in the holes? thats why i thought...but i forget, i still havent gotten my ps2 back from storage yet :-(
02-20-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Puzzled!
I am stuck in the Leblanc basement (after you massage Leblanc you open the door and go through). I found the 2nd and 3rd security "button" to unlock the door to continue through but I can't find the first one. Can you help me.
Welcome to the forum. errr.. this thread is for those who are having trouble in the Via Infinito .. not in LeBlanc's basement. Try to make a new thread instead of posting in the wrong place alright? ^_^ .. I would help but the two above posters already said it lol
12-27-2005, 06:22 PM
I'm such a weakling. I just got owned by an elder drake...again. I know you can get past him but because he beat me I'd now rather not, so does anyone have any good tips? I'm like level 64 with paine and 63 with rikku and yuna.
12-28-2005, 01:01 AM
I've beat paragon before but now when I have the perfect strategy to beat trema, I can't! Ugh.. It's pretty hard since I can't start off critical. I saved at cloister 100 so it heals when you step on the teleporter. But I got an idea for beating trema and I wondered if anyone thought it was a good idea:
using mana springs x5 (of course)
Using lady luck 4 dice for catnip
and having two beserkers with the evade and counter ability so trema can't hit them.
Does anyone think this sounds good?
Shooting Star
12-28-2005, 09:22 AM
using mana springs x5 (of course)
That's one of your main options, and tactics that will help you a great deal in beating Trema. Though, if you can use a Soul Spring instead, which reduces his MP by a greater amount, and saves a lot of time.
I personally, wouldn't do the last two. Yes, I would equip Cat Nip for obvious reasons. Trema is tremendously powerful, so I would cast Protect on your party at the beginning of the battle, and have a White Mage/Alchemist throughout healing your other two. Although Warrior wouldn't be my choice of Dressphere to use, Sentinel will reduce his Physical attacks to 1 each turn you use it, which would really help you. Even though Protect is long lasting, it only reduces his attacks by 50%. If you find the time to use Sentinel, then definately use it.
The bestest advice I could give you is to go with your strongest lign up. Instead of experimenting for five battles, go with what works best. If that is working terribly, then it is up to you if you want to go for a different strategy. Seen as he is tough, you'll have to give it your all with your best lign up. :D
12-28-2005, 05:36 PM
very very useful guide!
now i thought of getting adamantite and the GG that breaksHP limit :)
i jst need to figure how to do chocobo quest
12-28-2005, 11:48 PM
It didn't work. *SIGH* The evade and counter ability doesn't work with trema. He just hits too damn fast! I'm going to take your advice Shooting Star and see if I can beat him.
12-29-2005, 12:39 AM
Quite useful guides I should say....
Any guides on Blitzball for phil69? Apparently, I need it too....
01-03-2006, 07:47 PM
this is probably da hardest part of da game how da hell does eany1 finish it how da hell do u beat da chac
01-03-2006, 08:34 PM
Use Cat Nip and trigger happy
01-04-2006, 02:07 AM
Try to equip a speed bangle on your gunner + cat nip. Use the highroad winds GG so she has first strike and attack as quickly as you can with trigger happy. It takes an element of speed to beat chac. You might want to try to oversoul him so that he won't use heaven's cateracts, which will kill your party members unless you have the break HP limit. The key is to try and beat him before he can do this.
01-04-2006, 11:52 AM
this is probably da hardest part of da game how da hell does eany1 finish it how da hell do u beat da chac
Chac Guide (
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