View Full Version : All About Chocobos!

09-10-2004, 05:18 PM
This thread is all about catching, training and feeding chocobos, how they find items, what items they find, where they're best suited and much more! ^_^ I hope this information will help anyone who is stuck with chocobos!

To start with, Clasko needs to be able to open the Chocobo Ranch on the Calm Plains. To start the mission "Clean Sweep", you'll need to have completed the following:

:> Spoken to Clasko after the Foggy Fiend Frenzy Mission on the Mushroom Rock Road in Chapter 1, and let him on board;

:> Spoken to him again in Chapter 2 on the Mi'ihen Highroad after the mission Cuckoo for Chocobos

Clean Sweep involves killing certain monsters. The battles are as follows:

1st: Skink
2nd: Queen Coeurl, Armet
3rd: Skink Armet
4th: Three Armets
5th Queen Coeurl, Skink
6th: Three Blue Elementals

Defeat all these and you'll get the Alchemmist Dressphere and the Highroad Winds GG. Also, Clasko will open the Chocobo Ranch.

Which brings us round nicely to Chocobos. ^_^

Once you have the ranch opened, Clasko will give you 21 Gysahl Greens and 31 Pahsana Greensm so now you can go and catch Chocobos!

>>Where do I find Chocobos?
Chocobos can be found pretty all throughout Spira, with the exeption of Luca, the Mi'ihen Highroad, Bevelee, Mushroom Rock, Gagazet, Macalania and Zanrkand.

>>How do I catch 'em?
To catch a Chocobo, you first must defeat all other monsters in the battle in which it appears. However, as you may know, they're timid and prone to running off. To solve this, have one of your partychuck some Gysahl Greens at it. This'll calm it down, allowing you to complete your battle without it legging it. It's advisable to give the Chocobo some more Gysahl Greens if your battle is particularly long. When you've killed off all the other monsters you need to give it one more helping of Gysahl Greens to catch it. If it attacks you, don't attack back, as it'll just run off. Just heal yourself, grin and bear it. One of the most annoying Chocobo attacks is Choco-Meteor. It can be very damaging, but it doesn't happen that often.

>>I caught one... So where does it go now?
Any Chocobos you catch are automatically transported to the Ranch. However, the Ranch can only hold 14. If you have the ranch full up, Clasko will set the new one(s) free.

>>Keeping Chocobos
You can keep up to 14 Chocobos at a time. Four of these are Choco-Runners, and 10 are Choco-Reserves. Each Chocobo has different personal attributes:

>Level: Determines the time of items the bird will return with when you send it item-hunting
>Nature: There are timid, normal, and bold Chocobos
>Heart: Has a direct effect on the chances of the Chocobo fleeing, and also how many items it will bring back.
>Max Level: Displayed from Chapter 5 onwards if you talk to a Chocobo directly. the number indicates to what extent you can develop the bird by feeding it nutritive greens.

>>The Chocobo Ranch Main Menu
The following options are accessible from the main menu, which you pull up by talking to Clasko.

>Raise Chocobos. Increase the level of a Chocobo by feeding it nutritive greens.
PG: Pahsana greens
MG: Mimmet Greens
SG Slykis Greens

Levels 1 -> 2: 10pg
Levels 2 -> 3: 10mg
Levels 3 -> 4: 30mg
Levels 4 -> 5: 40sg

Please note the maximum level is "Chocobo-specific". ie, some Chocobos will not be able to level to lv.5

> Feed Chocobos
Restore lost Heart points by feeding the Chocobos with Pahsana Greens

View the number of different Chocobos and Greens

>Nutritive Greens
Alter the percentage production of the different tyoes of nutritive greens to be made, or simply stock up!

> Dispatch Chocobos
Send a Choco-Runner out to hunt items

>Change Roster
Swap a Choco-Runner for a Choco-Reserve

>Release Chocobos
Set a Chocobo free

> Junk food greens
View and replenish Gysahl Greens

Kind of self explanatory, really ^_^

>>The Production of Greens
Fresh greens are produced after a certain number of fights.

GG- Gysahl greens
NG- Nutritive greens
>Chapter 2: GGx5- 12 fights; NGx10- 6 fights
>Chapter 3: GGx5- 10 fights; NGx10- 6 fights
>Chapters 4 & 5: GGx5- 6 fights; NGx10- 5 fights

>>Dispatching Chocobos
Choco-Runners can be sent to different places. They will return after you have fought seven random battles away from the calm lands. After this, the Chocobo will either have brought back items, or run off.

The following is a table showing a timd/normal/bold chocobos' favourite places to treasure-hunt.

Chocobo Nature:
B- Bold
N- Normal
T- Timid

Chocobo Suitability:
S- Suitable
A- Average
P- Poor

>Besaid Island: ----------B--P; N--S; T--A
>Kilika Island: ------------B--A; N--P; T--S
>Mi'ihen Highroad: ------B--A; N--A; T--A
>Mushroom Rock: ------- B--A; N--A; T--A
>Djose Highroad: --------B--S; N--A; T--P
>Moonflow: ---------------B--P: N--S; T--A
>Thunder Plains: --------B--A; N--P; T--S
>Macalania: --------------B--P: N--S; T--A
>Bikanel Desert: --------B--A; N--P; T--S
>Calm Lands: ------------B--S; N--A; T--P
>Mount Gagazet: --------B--A; N--A; T--A
>Zanarkand: -------------B--A; N--A; T--A

Apologies for the wonky table! ^_^

**NOTE** It stands to reason that sending a Chocobo to an area to which it is badly suited will result in running off or finiding nothing!

>Another table!

Effects of the Chocobo Nature

HC- Heart consumption
P- Points
I- Items
E- Escape

Suitable Destination -- HC= 15p, I= Many, E= Seldom
Normal Destination-----HC= 30p, I= Some, E= Sometimes
Poor Destination -------HC= 60p, I= Few, E= Often

> Specific Events when Chocobos are Dispatched

> A Chocobo of level 4 or 5 returns from the Mi'ihen Highroad
...The Chocobo will discover the cave in Oldroad, South
...You can enter Fiend Colony

> A Chocobo is sent to Bikanel for the first time
...The Chocobo will escape and gets caught by the Al Bhed
...Excavatio in the Central Region is possible

> A Chocobo with less than 100 heart points returns with no items
...The Chocobo will find the Mouted Assault or Strength of One GG
...You will obtain the GG (found in the chest)

Phew! Apart from the amazing Chocobo, that just about covers everything. ^_^. PM if there;s anything wrong/ that I missed.

I hope this helps anybody who, er, needed help... ahem.. :D

Big Papi
09-11-2004, 06:28 PM
ahhh chocobos... GODAMN I HATE THE LITTLE BASTARDS :evil:
right, now that I've got that out of the way, thats a very good job you've done there, however if you ever get around to it, try making one for FFX, thats the one that really pisses me, and most other people off.

09-11-2004, 06:30 PM
lol cheers. To be honest, I have no idea why I did it. Boredom drives people to do crazy things! Hope it helps.

09-11-2004, 07:51 PM
Wow this is really helpful! Good job!

09-12-2004, 07:51 AM
no problem ^_^ I'm glad it helps!

09-12-2004, 04:25 PM
alrighty just so you guys know, I stickied this thread cause I thought it'd help ^_^
However if you wanna just comment on it, PM fineasapie about it
Only post here if you have any questions about it alright?

09-25-2004, 09:53 AM

I'm going to do add the amazing chocobo tables and suchlike. Theres so many of them though, i'll do it in excel and screen print it.

OK. So, about the amazing chocobo.

You can capture the amazing chocobo in the cave ruins in the calm lands. To get into the cave ruins, you first need to:

-> Have dispatched all 5 levels of chocobo on successful treasure hunts, at least 3 times for each level.

-> Have raised your 4 choco-runners to lvl 5.

When you've done this, clasko will tell you about a hle he has found at the back of the chocobo ranch.

-> The amazing chocobo never escapes
-> You can speak directly to it and give it orders
-> Apart from fatigue, it has no other attributes, such as level, heart, natuer


By using the choco support command, you can provide support for a choco-runner that has already been dispatched. If the fatigue value is under 75 there is less chance that the choco-runners will run away.
the amazing chocobo will return after 10-17 battles and his fatigue value will have increased by 15 each time.

You can tell the amazing chocobo to "exlpore spira". The chocobo will explore all regions and will find better items when it has a lower fatigue level. Using this command will increase the amazin chocobo's fatigue by 30, and it will return after 15-22 fights. Any items discovered will be in the chest nest to the chocobo, but you must get them before you dispatch the amazing chocobo again, otherwise they'll disappear. (see table 1 for Amazing chocobo rate of item recovery).

You can cure a chocobos fatigue by using the command standby. For each battle you are in, it will regain 5 points. If the chocobo is on the ranch, standby will occur automatically.

OK.. The tales will go up in a bit. They're huge!


I couldn't edit my other post, but here are the tables anyway:

Table 1 (Amazing Chocobo Rate Of Item Recovery) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v444/Fineasapie/table1.jpg)

Table 2 (Amazing Chocobo Items) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v444/Fineasapie/item.jpg)

Well, er, yeah... Happy chocobo-ing. If you have a question, just post it. ^_^

EDIT: You might have to enlarge the second one. Hover in the top left hand corner and then click the little square that appears in the bottom right hand corner, for IE and AOL (I think). For mozilla, just click!

~ merged post ;) - Tsu

11-06-2004, 05:12 PM
This thread is really helpful, for some strange reason i think my Choco-luck rubbed off because of past experience and I don't see it as that difficult to catch those big heffaz. But this thread really does assist me greatly.

11-11-2004, 05:58 PM
SO just get 4 choco runners to level 5 and u get the amazing chocobo?

11-11-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Celsuis
SO just get 4 choco runners to level 5 and u get the amazing chocobo?

No, thats only part of it.

You have to send out 3 of those (to the calm lands) and leave one behind. Then after they come back, send the one who was left behind plus two that went before to the calm lands again. And when they come back, a cutscene should occur.

11-11-2004, 10:11 PM
Erm, yeah... Can't remember doing that lol but it must just have 'happened' i guess. Anyway, yeah. I should have posted that... sorry about that...

12-22-2004, 05:03 AM
Can you explain on how to get this secret dungeon the ruin depths located in the chocobo ranch??????

01-06-2005, 02:41 AM
Ok Hi! I just have two quick questons. Is there any easier way to get Chocobos? AND! If you send off the Chocobos to find items and they run away does that NOT count as one of the 3 chocobos of each level to get the amazing Chocobo?

01-06-2005, 02:10 PM
Easier way? No I don't think so..this is the only way. [O.o]

And yes, if a chocobo runs away, you have to send a replacement chocobo of the same level again. ;)

02-11-2005, 01:44 PM
choco's are pains to catch, but it's worth the effort thanx dude

03-24-2005, 02:09 AM
;_; I don't know if it's just luck or was there something I am supposed to do...
I captured 14 chocobos, 12 had a max level of 1 , the other 2's max level was 2.
I only sent out a few in the beginning of chapter 3 and then I left it. Was that why they all had such low max levels? Or is it already decided the moment i captured them, and I can't do anything to change it ....
Maybe I just have bad luck . TT Hopefully i can find some chocobos who can get to level 5...sniff ...

04-13-2005, 02:42 PM
Hmm naw. It was decided the moment you caught it. Just release them and get new ones. Keep trying. ^_^ But I'm not sure if the chapters affect the max level of chocobos. Coz I did all my chocobo hunting in Chapter 5.

05-16-2005, 08:48 AM
Chocobos aren't that hard to catch. A trick so you don't lose your chocobos is simple, before you talk to clasko save it.
If he says any of the chocobos ran away just keep resetting until he says they all successfully returned.. :p
On a sidenote, I didn't know you could kill chocobos, they either run away or your attacks keep missing, but I've been able to do it now..

-> Have dispatched all 5 levels of chocobo on successful treasure hunts, at least 3 times for each level.
~ merged post ;) - Tsu
Atleast 3 times for each level?? I only did it once for each level and it worked.

05-28-2005, 10:20 PM
hmm... i dispatched three chocobos of each level (they all returned) and all my runners are level 5. Yet clasko hasnt said anything about a dungeon. Ugh. I have never hated chocobos more it took forever to catch them all. i guess ill have to figure out something.

FF Fan
06-15-2005, 04:37 AM
how do u get the ultimate chocobo.

06-16-2005, 12:40 AM
I think that chocobos are friendly birdie cuz it always run away whenever you wanna whack it. haha

06-16-2005, 02:25 AM
i've alwayz wanted to wack a chocobo

06-25-2005, 01:43 PM
i find it pretty helpful but wheres the quckoo chocbo mission??

07-03-2005, 04:12 PM
i got one thing how come some of my chocobo wont lvl up

07-03-2005, 04:15 PM
It's just that way: some can level up, others cannot... You can see this only in chapter 5, when you walk to a chocobo in the ranch press X button and it will appear its max level from one up to five... You just have to catch them...

07-17-2005, 05:45 PM
very useful info , good post

Old School Auron
07-21-2005, 12:16 PM
useful, i'm just unlucky follow every1's guide but they still bugger it up at the end by one running away *shakes fist* all i want is that dam dungeon :cry:

nice guide though, shame no1 wants to look at mine :cry:

07-24-2005, 03:10 PM
get i in ffx-2 a chocobo to??

08-21-2005, 03:22 PM
I'm new to this forum, but I need some help.

I'm in Chapter 3...just before you go down into the gorge and fight Yojimbo. I have 7 Chocobo's in my ranch, 2 bold....the rest timid(I caught all these in Chapter 2). I'm trying to catch more Chocobo's but they run away AS SOON as the battle starts. I don't even have time to have my Alchemist with Items Lv.2 to throw some greens at it.

Do they run away so fast because I have too many crappy Chocos' in my ranch? Or because I am getting...unlucky?

I'm nowhere near unlocking the Fiend Colony, or Ruins Depth...I just need some Chocobo's to raise and explore.

Shooting Star
08-21-2005, 03:40 PM
I would say that you've just been unlucky. Sometimes you just need to be patient, just search around for them. I tried Chocobo Hunting, and it was hard. You've done really well to get 7 so far. Just be patient, and when you get the chance throw some Gysahl Greens. Hopefully, that will prolong the battle, allowing you to keep feeding it Greens.

I would say they're less prone to run away if you encounter them alone, but either way, just keep trying to throw in a Gysahl Green quickly. And keep doing so. :)

08-21-2005, 04:18 PM
I'm in Chapter 3...just before you go down into the gorge and fight Yojimbo. I have 7 Chocobo's in my ranch, 2 bold....the rest timid(I caught all these in Chapter 2). I'm trying to catch more Chocobo's but they run away AS SOON as the battle starts. I don't even have time to have my Alchemist with Items Lv.2 to throw some greens at it.

Have you tried using the Thief's Intiative ability or a Speed Bracer?

Sometimes you can be really unlucky, but there are accesories and abilities which can help you with it.

Shooting Star
08-21-2005, 04:44 PM
You jogged my memory with that post Doug. :P
You're in Chapter 3, right? And you're in the Gorge, which is even better. Go to the central part of the Calm Lands, where you should find some Sprint Shoes. Their auto ability is First Strike, and the command ability is Haste. That could really help against a chocobo, in prolonging the battle. :)

08-21-2005, 08:19 PM
I've tried using my Thief's Initiative ability, but didn't think of adding Haste.

Also, think it might have something to with the fact, it's my 3rd..."New Game Plus"?

I've read somewhere the more you games you start on new game plus, more enemys go into oversoul more often...think that has something to do with making chocobo catching harder?

08-21-2005, 09:25 PM
Hmm I don't know where you heard that, but it's inaccurate. Nothing really changes in new game plus. Apart from you get your percentage, accessories, garment grids and dress spheres carried over.

08-21-2005, 10:06 PM
some days i wish i had a chcobo 4 a pet they look cool and i beat every ff game 1 time!on ff tatics is the best in battle with the gold chocobo

08-22-2005, 08:54 AM
I've tried using my Thief's Initiative ability, but didn't think of adding Haste.

Also, think it might have something to with the fact, it's my 3rd..."New Game Plus"?

I've read somewhere the more you games you start on new game plus, more enemys go into oversoul more often...think that has something to do with making chocobo catching harder?
I don't get how oversouled monsters make it harder...because I usually pwn them like thier non overouled counterparts anyway.

Unless I'm missing something here. o.o

08-22-2005, 09:08 AM
I've tried using my Thief's Initiative ability, but didn't think of adding Haste.

Also, think it might have something to with the fact, it's my 3rd..."New Game Plus"?

I've read somewhere the more you games you start on new game plus, more enemys go into oversoul more often...think that has something to do with making chocobo catching harder?
Yes it is true, but not just the common enemys, but the usual bosses too. When you play the game through the first time, you'll battle the bosses as they normally would, but if you restart newgame-plus many times, it's prolly the bosses will be oversoul because you killed them many times by now.... That happened to me in my seventh newgame + X_X...

...And I don't think that has anything to do with chocobos...

08-22-2005, 10:00 AM
Yes it is true, but not just the common enemys, but the usual bosses too. When you play the game through the first time, you'll battle the bosses as they normally would, but if you restart newgame-plus many times, it's prolly the bosses will be oversoul because you killed them many times by now.... That happened to me in my seventh newgame + X_X...

...And I don't think that has anything to do with chocobos...
Oh whoa tt's really cool! I didn't know that till now. =|

If any, it gives me a teeny bit more motivation to play ffx2 again and get the 1% I truly deserve. =P

08-22-2005, 04:45 PM
I'm almost positive that's true...and I'm not saying that to agree with you. While trying to catch Chocobos' on Besaid...I'd run away from fights if there were no chocos' to speed things up. Well, I encountered an Iron Giant who went into oversoul as soon the battle starts, I ran away about 4 times and every time I encountered one...he went into oversoul. Until I finally killed him. All the Iron Giants' after that did not go into oversoul.

Same thing happened with the 1st Queen Courel you fight in the "Clean Sweeper" mission at the chocobo ranch. I had to resolve to using Ultima to beat him because he kept owning me.

08-25-2005, 08:59 AM
Well, I encountered an Iron Giant who went into oversoul as soon the battle starts, I ran away about 4 times and every time I encountered one...he went into oversoul. Until I finally killed him. All the Iron Giants' after that did not go into oversoul.
=O But of course! Unless you kill an oversoul enemy that you encounter, when you run away from it, you will keep finding him in oversoul until you beat him. o.o It's not random if they're oversoul, it depends on the quantity of monsters of the same especies you've killed so far. That's the reason why you didnt find anymore oversouled Iron Giant after that, however, try and kill some of those and you will find another oversouled one...

08-26-2005, 12:23 AM
Okay, I realize I'm about a year behind when this thread started, but I'm trying desperately to get 100% for my husband (He's not a gamer, but he loves to watch me play and follow the story lines. It's so sweet ^_^) Anyway... I've played and played and can't seem to get any Sylkis Greens! What's wrong with me? I need them to level my chocobos up to level 5, but I just can't seem to find them. Clasko never gives them to me when I go into nutritive greens... How do I get them, or am I just... out of luck?

Shooting Star
08-26-2005, 07:01 AM
When you select 'Nutritive Greens', you can set the ratio of Pahsana Greens, Mimett Greens and Sylkis Greens that are to be produced. First of all, there will only be Pahsana Greens, then Mimett Greens in Chapter 3, then Sylkis after that.

Hope this helps. :)

08-31-2005, 11:24 PM
Oh... heh... thanks! I have to say, I feel a bit mentally challenged now... Erm... Blame it on being 9 mos. pregnant and caring for an eleven month old son at the same time ^_^ No mind left! Thanks so much... this site is really helpful, may come on more often when I'm not pregnant and can sit at a computer for more than five minutes without my back yelling at me ^_^ thanks again!!

09-10-2005, 03:10 AM
thx for the help now i no not all cho could lvl up to lvl5 thx

11-03-2005, 12:02 AM
i like the new chocobo music. it kiks all other chocobo music's butt kinda rough to get to the secret dungeon...

11-16-2005, 09:58 AM
sorry,for what i need chocobo?

And how i can figth here? sorry but i new here

Shooting Star
11-16-2005, 11:19 AM
You can use Chocobo's to do things around Spira. If you read the first post in this thread, that may answer your question in greater detail. :P

Oh yes, you shouldn't doible post, as it's against the forum rules. Within the time limit, you can use the edit button and ask that in your first initial post. :) To your question about battling, this thread should help you out a bit:

Newbies Battling Guide (http://ffx2.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74055)

11-16-2005, 07:38 PM
Ok, I did not see what I'm looking for in this thread. It's possible I may have just not seen it, but in light of that. My question is....

Do I have to wait until Chapter 5 to get a Level 5 Chocobo? Or can I get that far in Chapter 2?

I read in a FaQ off of Gamefaqs.com that I had to wait until Chapter to 5 to get a Level 5 Chocobo. That true?

I just did the clean sweep mission and I'm trying to figure out how to do this Chocobo thing. All I want is to find the Fiend Colony to get the AP Egg, and the Ruin Depths for the Ultimate Chocobo so I don't have to repeat all this in the new game plus.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Shooting Star
11-16-2005, 08:00 PM
The Fiend Colony is found when you have dispatched a Level 4or 5 Chocobo to the Mi'ihen Highroad from the Ranch in the Calm Lands.

To enter the Cave Ruins, you must have:

Dispatched all levels of Chocobo on successful treasure hunts, and at least three times for each level (1-50).

Have four of your Choco-Runners raised to level 5.

Hope that helps slightly. :)

11-16-2005, 11:17 PM
I know where they are at, but I want to know how to level up the Chocobos. Just feeding them or by dispatching them over Spira?

11-17-2005, 12:03 AM
I know where they are at, but I want to know how to level up the Chocobos. Just feeding them or by dispatching them over Spira?
Feeding them is enough. At first you really dont know the maximum level of a chocobo. You can only see that when you reach chapter five. When you do so, whenever you press 'X' near to a chocobo it'll say its MAX level. You'll just need to feed him to level him up.

11-17-2005, 12:57 AM
So basically, wait until Chapter 5 to start raising Chocos? Or start in Chapter 2 where I am at now.

11-17-2005, 01:05 AM
If you want completion rate you should catch at least one chocobo before chapter 3. You dont need, however, to raise them. So yeah, you can just bother with all the whole chocobo quest from chapter 5 on :)

11-18-2005, 04:29 AM
Alrighty, thanks peeps. :bye:

11-29-2005, 06:24 AM
thx very much beucose now i know what i need ti do, thx ;)

now i in chapter 5 and all my checobo lvl 3 what i need to do for use with checobo?
sry for spuped question ;(

Shooting Star
11-29-2005, 05:13 PM
thx very much beucose now i know what i need ti do, thx ;)

now i in chapter 5 and all my checobo lvl 3 what i need to do for use with checobo?
sry for spuped question ;(
Do you mean why do you need to raise Chocobos, and what are their uses?

To be honest, it's not compulsary to raise Chocobos, just an optional thing.
If you raise an Amazing Chocobo, you can send it on searches to find items all around Spira. It's an extra, fun part in the game that can also earn you items.

11-30-2005, 07:05 AM
k thx

12-10-2005, 12:43 AM
I hated trying to catch those things

01-02-2006, 02:34 PM
> A Chocobo with less than 100 heart points returns with no items
...The Chocobo will find the Mouted Assault or Strength of One GG
...You will obtain the GG (found in the chest)

where is this?? thx

01-04-2006, 11:22 AM
hey guys, this is my first post. ive spent tons of time on this game, right now my goal is to get one of every accessory/gg that exists

can someone please explain to me how to get the Mounted Assault GG? all descriptions ive seen are so vague. can anyone tell me how they got it? on gamefaqs i found a faq which said he got it by dispatching bold chocos to calm lands with heart 55-95. i've done this for hours now. its driving me nuts.


01-04-2006, 03:27 PM
hey guys, this is my first post. ive spent tons of time on this game, right now my goal is to get one of every accessory/gg that exists

can someone please explain to me how to get the Mounted Assault GG? all descriptions ive seen are so vague. can anyone tell me how they got it? on gamefaqs i found a faq which said he got it by dispatching bold chocos to calm lands with heart 55-95. i've done this for hours now. its driving me nuts.


heres a link for all the garments, but for the Mounted Assault, it also says send a choc on calm lands w/ heart of 55-95.. but other than that, i hope this link helps you.. Click Here (http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=82575&rid=76636)

01-04-2006, 09:35 PM
okay so it says the same thing, for anyone who's done this already

1) what level should the bold choco be? im sending mostly lvl 3/4 and i had a lvl 5 that ran away :/

2) im sending all 4 runners. should i only be sending one?

argh! i'll keep trying, hopefully someone can give me a hint or something as to what im doing wrong or if this is just a patience thing. thx for the link.

01-27-2006, 04:04 AM
Question - How do I open the doors/walls in the Chocobo dungeon?!

01-27-2006, 06:01 AM
start at the one furthest to the right. if you find a map online you can figure out which one that is much easier

01-27-2006, 07:59 AM
start at the one furthest to the right. if you find a map online you can figure out which one that is much easier

Thanks for that! I've been trying to figure it out all afternoon! :zzz: