View Full Version : Evrae

12-21-2003, 06:43 AM
I can't beat her can you guys give me some info on how to kill her :num:

12-21-2003, 07:38 AM
yyeppo.....wear poison ward or stone ward armour. then start of battle have auron do a Power Break. Rikku call cid back Tidus cast slow on the fiend. then swap auron for wakka and let me do the attacking......then after tidus slow the fiend and hasted your char, swap him out for Lu to cast spells...:mrgreen: Rikku uses al bhed potion all the way.....well.tt was how I did it :mrgreen:

12-21-2003, 08:13 AM
start by having tidus cast slow on Evrae, and cast haste on himself and rikku, this will increase their number of turns in the battle and makes it much easier to use the trigger command to communicate with Cid. When Tidus or Rikku's turn right before cid's turn, use the trigger command to pull the ship away from Evrae. If you can keep the monster at long range until cid's next turn, he will shoot missiles at evrae. if Lulu knows Firaga, Waterga, Thundaga, or Blizzaga it makes the fight a whole lot easier. make sure you have plenty of al bhed potions!

12-21-2003, 09:49 AM
Attack him a ton. Just get your attack stat up high, and attack whenever you can. The best Defence is a killer Offense :D

12-21-2003, 02:23 PM
quinteo breaks out the traditional plan :)

but its true...dont bother too much with the healing side, just go for it :)

12-21-2003, 02:45 PM
ya i beat this guy super easy a diffiernt ay then u guys

12-21-2003, 02:49 PM
what the hell was that incomprehensible babble?!! :)

12-21-2003, 03:28 PM
lol, i never heard of it

12-21-2003, 03:51 PM
i cast hastaga then had tidus and auron and lulu attack auron tidus physicl and lulu ga spellsthen i pulled back fineshed with misiles and lulu spell and wakkas balls!

this is the best stratagy i rekon :p

12-21-2003, 04:01 PM
da best is on the right track, i use up all the missiles and simply use wakka's attack reels and that kills evrae right away, if not then u should have your aeons on overdrive or your other characters on overdrive

12-21-2003, 06:45 PM
aeons and use your strongest characters!

12-22-2003, 04:15 AM
knodountg......obviously you weren't even reading whioch boss he has trouble with! it's Evare! and remember.you don't have Yuna in your party....so who's gonna summon the aeons eh? Wakka? Lu? Rikku? Tidus? Kimahri? or Auron?

12-22-2003, 01:20 PM
fc is very much right, i forgot u were going to save yuna...my bad

in that case just rely on your characters overdrives and the missile

12-22-2003, 08:48 PM
normally if all your people are in overdrive, and the aeons are aswell, you can kill anyone!!!

12-22-2003, 09:21 PM
i usually was like 3/4 of the way through evry1s sphere part and i just attacked it. i think u can poison it too.

12-22-2003, 09:24 PM
yeah, poison is good against some bosses, can do more damage than normal attacks!!!

12-22-2003, 10:44 PM
i used slow on it and then i got cid to fire missiles at it and then wen it came near i atacked it with lulu and tidus and i got rikku to use al bhed potions.

god of power
09-15-2004, 01:09 PM
anybody knows how to beat evarae his poison breath keeps getting on my nerve and when i cast haste on a character he petryfies him when i pull back to prevent the poison breath he use swiping sytche and why does auron calls it "the red carpet"?

Tragic Kingdom
09-15-2004, 03:45 PM
I think Auron calls it the Red Carpet as some kind of joke b/c he`s familiar with the beast I think. :cool:

But I beat Evrae using mainlu Auron and Tidus`s heavy hitting when your close to him...and Wakka`s blitzball and Lulu`s Firaga, Waterga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga when Evrae is far away...keep in mind the missiles will deal 4000 or so damage too twice...so just play Evrae from about 18000 or so HP and thats how you beat him...or at least how I beat him. :cool:

09-15-2004, 06:12 PM
well i had the same problem..and i couldnt depend on my hard hitters,bc they were still too weak

so whenever he came near..i ordered the airhip away from it

i used wakka to hit it..and used rikku and lulu to cast magic against it when it was away!

Zaraki Kenpachi
09-15-2004, 06:33 PM
okay well see if most your people have some good magic ya then just keep casting, megaelixers lol and soon it'll be over use wakka and keep attacking and remember to use the limits i think you should set it on it charges when ever ally is hit that makes then easier to come by

09-16-2004, 06:28 AM
Evrae shoudn't be a rpob;lem if you trained your characters well. ;)

But he isn't unbeatable either. I helped my friend beat hers when her auron only had power break. Rikku only Steal and Use. and yea you get the idea--she messed up with the International grid.

Starting party: Auron, Tidus, Rikku
Equipment: REMOVE all weapons with elemental abilities as Evrae cuts the damage for eveyr element by Half. Use those that has Str + 3/5% Mag + 3/5% etc.
Poison ward and stone ward armours.

1. Use Auron to Power Break
2. If Tidus gets a turn, cast slow on Evrae.[My friend didn't even have slw then >.<]
3. Rikku commands ship to move back.
4. Swap Auron for Lulu.
5. Tidus casts Haste on Lulu and Rikku.
6. Rikku has to use Al Bhed Potions.[for my friend, it was almost every turn]
7. Lulu attacks to the max.
8. Swap Tidus for Wakka.
9. Wakka attacks.

It would be wise to actually charge up your overdrives in case. ;)

And [>.>] Auron calls it the Red Carpet because it's theri ticket to Bevelle! It's the only way they're gonna get through. He was being sarcastic by saying "The red carpet has teeth." It means it's not gonna be a smooth walk down to Bevelle.

god of power
09-16-2004, 07:15 AM
um fantasy my tidus doesn't have any equipment that doesn't has elemental damage and my lulu hasan't learn and level 3 spells and rikku has around 1200 hp so its hard for me to beat evrae and cid's airship sucks it only deals 100 something of damage so does that mean i have to do some trainning?

09-16-2004, 12:53 PM
You must have one weapon surely? lol And Cid's airship does like 100 per missle and it fire multiple, so it does NOT suck. Finally you have been here long enough to use search so merging these two evrae threads and a 20 gil fine given to you.

09-16-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by god of power
um fantasy my tidus doesn't have any equipment that doesn't has elemental damage and my lulu hasan't learn and level 3 spells and rikku has around 1200 hp so its hard for me to beat evrae and cid's airship sucks it only deals 100 something of damage so does that mean i have to do some trainning?

Surely you have the Longsword? [The one that has no abilities at all lol]

It's okay if Lulu didn't learn the -ga spells. I'd say fight it out!

The Rikku I used had about that HP too. [=/]

Cid';s Airship - don't complain. It's helping you a lot really. Just keep the airship away from Evrae to trigger the missiles. It;s the best bet you've got.

Build on your strengths[in my case, I had a LOT of Al Bhed Potions that cures Poison and Petrify status]

If worse comes to worse, yes.....you have to train LOL

09-17-2004, 12:26 AM
Geez....you bought ONLY elemental weapons? Sorta hard to believe....but anyways. -_-;;

You don't have to have Lulu learn ga spells, just make sure her magic stat is above medium. Cid's airship does NOT suck, it's very valuable tool for beating Evrae. Yes, each individual missile does only about 100 damage, but he fires around 10-15 missiles per volley, so you end up doing a several thousand damage.

09-19-2004, 02:21 PM
This helped me:
Make sure Tidus knows Hastega and Slow. Makes sure Lulu knows the third stage of BlkMagic. Make sure Rikku has alot of AlBhedPotions.
You should have Rikku and Tidus in the battlefield at all times just in case. You should always use Rikku's AlBhedPotions when he stones you. Also make sure Cid's turn is close to you because Evrae's Posion move is deadly. When he breathes hurry and tell Cid to Move away and switch by having Wakka and Lulu. If Evrae casts Haste, Slow on him over and over. Oh, should cast slow on him when the battle starts.

09-19-2004, 04:17 PM
The strat that you just listed requires a lot of training.....when I reached Sanubia I had just gotten Bio and my Tidus was in the sphere mass between Slowga and Hastega. To use this strategy, you'd have to have Lulu gain around 15 levels and have Tidus gain almost 20. Oh yeah, btw. Slow isn't the best thing to cast on Evrae because most of the time Evrae counters (not on his turn, he counters) Slow or Slowga with Haste. And that's a bad thing. And sometimes he just casts Haste just for the hell of it.

09-19-2004, 04:31 PM
Not really that much training, its normal for me to have Hastega and the level 3 element spells by the time I face Evrae. Heck I have had them facing Seymour Nautis with barely any training. I have casted slow on him at the start and never had him instantly counter with haste, granted he does cast Haste but I have never seen him counter a slow spell with it.

09-19-2004, 04:38 PM
Evrae countered Slow with Haste several times when I was labbing. Of course, getting Hastega and level 3 Blk Magic before Natus is simple. Or you could just summon Bahamut and use Mega Flare. ^__^

09-19-2004, 04:50 PM
I have never seen it use an instant counter with it although slow misses more than enough times >.> and I meant without hardly any training you have those spells for Nautis. *edits*

And uhh, you can't summon Aeons when fighting Evrae. No Summoner *knocks on Paragons head* Unless you meant Nautis, in that case then why use a overdrive that can only be used once compared to many level 3 element spells? lol

Mega Flare is good for finising Seymour off, spells are good for making him low on hp.

09-19-2004, 05:14 PM
I mean against Natus. *knocks on DK's head*

Mega Flare can do alot of damage, you know. Plus, I could probably do more damage by having Tidus simply whack him instead of having Lulu cast spells. Or...maybe not.

09-19-2004, 05:26 PM
It can't do 36000 though, you know. It does about 10000 for me at that point. I leave it until last. Tidus would do more damage until Seymour casts protect, which he does when you take away a third of his HP. Just depends on your preference all characters have some use in that battle.

And uhh back on topic, this is about Evrae >.> though I guess this guy can read over these posts when he comes to nautis.

Main thing is, I haven't seen a counter for slow. Even though it hardly connects. I only try twice at the start of the battle, if it misses I just use Tidus for better things like controlling the ship.

09-19-2004, 05:46 PM
Well, according to my labbing and the strat guide, Slow has roughly 50% chance of failing. However, Slow usually hits on the first turn....and I have never missed on the first turn before.

09-19-2004, 05:54 PM
50%? You sure? I would thought it would be a higher miss rate as I do tend to miss a lot. Even as the battle progresses and it uses haste I find myself missing all the time. Lady Luck must not be with me >.>

I have missed on the first turn before, I am sure of that. Gah, you have made me want to play FFX again to see how many times it does tend to miss.

09-19-2004, 08:21 PM
Hey, labbing for every boss in FFX isn't fun. Unless you want to spend lots of Ethers and let Tidus cast Slow while your party gets its butt kicked for 10+ minutes, and then try to kill Evrae anyways, I wouldn't call labbing on Evrae fun. Especially because he has a tendency to kill all of your characters before you have substantial evidence to support whatever claim you're making. But I've never missed a Slow spell on Evrae on the first turn before. Ever. Strange, ne? O_o

09-20-2004, 06:06 PM
well,it might have something to do with the luck lvl of ur players..that may contribute to missing or not !

09-20-2004, 06:15 PM
Nah Mass

Luck stat contributes to Speed and Evasion, its like a second factor for them. Its luck based on the resistance factor of it

09-20-2004, 08:55 PM
well ,i read through the part about battling evrae in a walkthrough i have..and it says to cast slow first of all..so im pretty sure that its possible!

09-20-2004, 10:12 PM
Luck contributes to:

1. Probability of stealing items.

2. Critical hits.

3. Freak evasions.

Magic is always hits, the only thing is that Evrae is resistant to Slow. So it counts as "missing", but it isn't actually "missing".

09-21-2004, 05:16 AM
Evare isn;t fully resistant to Slow, only Partially. and Yes I have missed when I cast it on him before and it's beause of his partial resistant I guess.

09-21-2004, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by paragon
Luck contributes to:

1. Probability of stealing items.

2. Critical hits.

3. Freak evasions.

Magic is always hits, the only thing is that Evrae is resistant to Slow. So it counts as "missing", but it isn't actually "missing".

Steal has its own luck.

You first steal from an enemy does 100%

Second is 50%

Third 25%

or something like that. As I said its for Speed and Evasion mostly. Critical too o.O! forgot that one.


FC: I never said it was, just that I miss more than I hit lol, so the resistance must be above 50%

09-21-2004, 05:55 PM
okay..i went to my friends house..and asked if he had a save file near evrae appearance...he sayd he didnt have one

luckily another friend of ours was there..and he said that he was at the area where he hadnt met evrae yet(on his save file at my friends)..but he was close,so we loaded the game and saw he was very near..we played a bit,and eventually met evrea..and beat him,and we cast slow on him..and it conncected the first time!!!(i love the FMV of the airshsip crashing ^_^)

as luck with steal...it only effect wether or not it will be a common steal,or a rare steal

09-21-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Hatake Kakashi
Steal has its own luck.

You first steal from an enemy does 100%

Second is 50%

Third 25%

or something like that. As I said its for Speed and Evasion mostly. Critical too o.O! forgot that one.


FC: I never said it was, just that I miss more than I hit lol, so the resistance must be above 50%

Actually, you're wrong about that...sorta. Luck doesn't exactly raise Agility and Evasion, per se, but it does decide whether your characters will evade on random. It's a different formula, and Evasion is still dominant.

Steals are also affected by Luck. I remember some person at GameFAQs did a comprehensive test on Luck and its effects on Steal. The first is always succeed, that's true, and after stealing about 4-6 items, the percentage drops to around 0%. However, if you cast Luck on a character and have them steal, there is a VERY high chance that you will have more successful steals. Only problem is....the test showed that less of the steals were rares. So Luck does affect Stealing.

09-22-2004, 04:30 AM
I can vouch for the last statement as I was getting those Gems for my characters to get "-Eater" ability. Luck increases your chances of stealing the rare items. But I doubt so on the non-rare ones.

09-22-2004, 05:15 AM
Nononono I think you misunderstood. Based on that person's tests and my own labbing results, Steal attempts with the ability Luck have more successful grabs, but there is a lower percentage of Rares taken. Along a 10 attempts by 10 encounters comparison, there is roughly a 20% increase in successes, and a 8-10% decrease in Rares.

EDIT: btw, since when did we start talking about steals and Luck when we're supposed to be talking about Evrae?

09-22-2004, 05:43 AM
You started talking about it :rolleyes:

luckily another friend of ours was there..and he said that he was at the area where he hadnt met evrae yet(on his save file at my friends)..but he was close,so we loaded the game and saw he was very near..we played a bit,and eventually met evrea..and beat him,and we cast slow on him..and it conncected the first time!!!(i love the FMV of the airshsip crashing ^_^)

Hmm maybe it does always connnect first time, and I am thinking after the first one, which misses too often, thanks for the info Mass ;)

Also I never said it did raise Speed and Evasion, but it does contribute to both stats. As I remember reading about this guy who thought he could max out MP/HP by only maxing luck instead of speed and evasion. . .

Also for the steal think, the % never drops to Zero man. . the value always halves, so it never becomes 0% I think it has a threshold of 6.25% Not very much but meh. Also the luck ability you say? I thought we were talking about the luck stat? The luck ability must have an extra effect on steal . . .

As you say it only happens when casting luck, so the spell must increae your steal rate a bit. Thus why Rikku has it >.> Not sure though, just a theory.

But I can assure you that not many things are effected by the luck statistic. The thing with evrae well its all based on real luck and its Resistence level to slow. I wonder if the guy who made this thread has beat it? lol

It would be best to start a separate discussion on this. Back on topic!

09-22-2004, 03:49 PM
Well, my strat was good for me, I beat Evrae in no time at all. He's too ez if you have what I told you.

01-01-2005, 04:26 PM
But..when he uses haste on himself thats it, he scythe scoops up on me and then uses poision breath and because he can get two attacks in at once it kills me. And I can't move back because he continually uses Scythe Scoop...

01-01-2005, 04:46 PM
Just counter haste with slow then o.O and haste your own crew. The swooping Scythe isn't that powerful if you heal. Poison Breath can be nasty though. Just put up some good defence.

Just have tons of Al Bhed potions, you can't go wrong with them.

01-01-2005, 08:25 PM
But Rikku always dies...man. And I don't have slow and they say that it doesnt work when he casts haste anyway/

01-01-2005, 08:59 PM
Your Tidus....doesn't....have.....Slow? No wonder you can't beat him. You've been undertraining.

01-01-2005, 09:08 PM
Its true that it won't always work, but its better than nothing if he is slaughtering you that badly. And I agree with Shug, if Tidus doesn't even have slow, you need to train more. You can get encouters on the airship I believe, just go back and run around and you should be able to fight the fiends you fought at Home.

01-01-2005, 09:13 PM
Um....."Shug"? At least say the whole name :P

01-01-2005, 09:16 PM
Wow. . .a typo. For my next trick I shall make your gil go down by 20. Come on now, you're a smart kid :p No spam from ya.

01-01-2005, 09:21 PM
Wheee disappearing gilz!!!11

As far as I remember, the airship isn't a good way to train, since most of the enemies don't give you much AP. Unless I'm mistaken, of course. Personally I would just start over, since you generally get Slow around Thunder Plains (on an average game, not a uber-training game)

01-01-2005, 09:28 PM
Thank you my uhh lovely? assistant.

Yeah but its better than nothing, as I said its some fiends from Home. They would still give something I guess, and its not wasting all the hours they took to get there. Plus if they are suffering that badly, then even those fiends would give some decent AP to get some beefed up stats before taking her on again o.O

01-01-2005, 10:39 PM
I must of gone the wrong way and that's why I couldn't get Slow. Now I have to gain tons before I can get to it..

01-02-2005, 04:50 AM
u dont really have to fight a whole lot...bc backtracking is cheaper [sphere gfrid wise that is ;) ]

dont u have another person closer to the slow vicinity ?

01-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Well. I started a new game with the Flexible grid and I have already done my journey towards it. I am nearly around halfway there and I am only in Luca.

Shooting Star
01-02-2005, 02:31 PM
You didn't have slow? That's one of the easiest ones to get on Tidus' grid.
I beat him quite easily. Didn't pose too much of a problem to me. I used Lulu's magic and just hitting him hard. Pretty easy i say. ^_^

01-02-2005, 03:37 PM
Hmm only problem with using magic is she halves all elements. Unless you got aga's the damage you do is really bad :( But any bit of damage you do counts I guess lol

Shooting Star
01-02-2005, 04:54 PM
True, but i think if i remember rightly i cast Bio on Evrae and he went down real bad. I think i did that, or he cast it on me. O_o

01-02-2005, 06:53 PM
I had Flare cuz i tranied alot so that hurt him, and i had Wakkas Blits ball , and i used all my guys overdrives he went down bout 5-10 mins, and the second one i used an Elixar

01-09-2005, 12:38 PM
by 1 soft then go up have tidus cast slow on Evrae and hast on himself auron and lulu then swap lulu for rikku cast haste on her than swap back and attack and when you are low on health get rikku out and use an al bhed potion than swap back.when evrae sucks up air or something pull the airship back I did it like that without using missles but on the ffx there called stalfos

01-10-2005, 06:22 AM
Whenever you're really hurt, pull back and Cid will hit Evrae with his missiles while you heal.

01-10-2005, 05:59 PM
When you're really hurt, you use an Al Bhed Potion. Why? By the time your health is low, you've usually done a lot of damage to Evrae. And Evrae seems to have a higher probability of using Swooping Scythe in lower health than it does in higher health. So if you pull back, well, you're dead.

01-10-2005, 11:34 PM
not really...my members were mediocre when i got to evrea...and i always chose to pull back asap...i won each and every time when i did it like that

01-11-2005, 10:46 PM
Swooping Scythe is a pansy move. What kills me is that stupid breath thing. Why? Well, my guys stats are usually so bad at that point that one breath and only Auron's alive. Then, Auron's petrified. That stupid stupid thing. I'm glad I pwned it.

By the way, Massy is right. Stay away from it. Try to pull in only after you get it down to 11000 HP. That way, the scythe thing doesn't hit. Even if it does, the breath does more damage anyway.

01-12-2005, 01:23 AM
lol pansy move lol, and poison Breath is nothing, i train alot in Bikanel island to get past Emre very easy when your guys are right suped up

01-12-2005, 11:59 PM
what do u mean a pansy move ? :mad:

u have to do what u have to do to win !!!

just bc i used strategy....insrtead of just mashing the "X" button doesnt make it weal

[wait...ffx used the "O" button :p]

01-13-2005, 02:41 AM
no i didn't use the O button did it, mine was X- and thats a good stargey i guess lol, how many times did you die

01-13-2005, 08:25 PM
yes swooping scythe is pansified.

Anywho, I'm typing while eating so pardon any mistakes in such and such.

By the time I got to Evrae, I hadn o idea I was gonna fight it. My guys were so weak. -_- I hate you walshy. lol But I still killed it so HA! lol

01-13-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Walshy_20
no i didn't use the O button did it, mine was X- and thats a good stargey i guess lol, how many times did you die

i only died once to be exact

luckily....i had everyones overdrives full the 2d time when i beat it

(why the hell do i still remember this stuff Oo )

01-14-2005, 12:33 AM
lol i have no idea but Lu's overdrive sux on him cuz he risists magic and my srtongest guy when i faught hinm was wakka doing like 2000 damage or somethinglike that so i pulled away everythird turn