FFX-2 Walkthrough - Chapter 5

This chapter represents the last leg of Yuna's journey in the game. Every location in Spira will end with an "Episode Complete" message if you were able to finish off every event in that area, which by the way, isn't possible until you start over with New Game Plus. However, it's probably a good idea to go to every area in the game one more time, as there are a lot of secrets to uncover around here.

The Depths of the Farplane - Part 1
ImageAfter a funny scene with Brother, Buddy and the rest of the Gullwings, you'll descend into the depths of the Farplane to figure out just what's going on. This automatically happens when the chapter begins, so make sure that you're properly equipped. You have a choice of going down to the Farplane via one of the four temples. Bevelle Temple is the hardest, while Besaid and Kilika are the easiest. You should probably do yourself a favour here and choose Besaid or Kilika. Make your way down until you see a large platform. Before you jump onto this, equip yourself with any NulIce equipment or anything that will give your physical attacks Fire elements.

Boss: Dark Shiva (HP:MP - 14800:9999)
ImageLike in previous Final Fantasy games, Shiva is an Ice-based warrior, so a lot of her spells are ice based. NulIce works well to keep you protected, and a Fire Gleam helps you do more damage with your physical attacks. She has a very high speed rating compared to the other Aeons, so have one of your characters change jobs into a Warrior and use your Break abilities, while another is a Dark Knight (or Samurai) and deals regular damage with attacks. Have your third character as a supporting character who can switch between a support job like a White Mage and an attacker with Dark Knight. Shiva isn't a very hard Aeon to beat, even though she's one of the final ones you'll face, but she does attack often enough that she can pose a problem at times.

Once you have defeated Dark Shiva, a save point will appear. Now, you have two options here. You can choose to continue doing into the Farplane, or you can head back to the Celsius and complete the rest of your missions. Since the next two fights (and the fights afterwards) are going to be a doozy, take the time to complete the other missions and get some more levels.

The Depths of the Farplane - Part 2
Once you have finished any sidequests that you wish to partake in, get on the Celsius and talk to Brother. Choose the option to go back into the Farplane, choosing any dungeon you wish. You'll start off at the beginning of the dungeon again, so process past the save point and deeper into the dungeon. Once you have reached another large platform, stop and prepare yourself again for another Aeon fight!

Boss: Dark Magnus Sisters
Mindy (HP:MP - 9788:9999)
Sandy (HP:MP - 10330:9999)
Cindy (HP:MP - 12240:9999)
Ah, the trio of sisters that everyone knows and loves are back, and once again they're out for your blood. As with any fights where you have to deal with more than one enemy, focus on one of the sisters to take them out. This also makes sure that they can't use their Delta Overdrive on you, which they will use at least once in this battle if you let them. We recommend that you take out Mindy (the little girl) first as she attacks the most, and her attacks generally do the most damage on top of that. Once you have taken her out, the fight becomes a hell of a lot easier for you. Once you have taken her out, take out Cindy next, then Sandy. Leave Sandy for last because she her attacks are generally much weaker than her sisters.

Once you have finished off the sisters, it'd be a good idea to go and save. Once you have done that, go back and prepare for your final Aeon fight, Dark Anima!

Boss: Dark Anima (HP:MP - 36000:9999)
Seymour's old Aeon is a lot easier than the Magnus Sisters, only because he's slower to attack than the previous Aeons. Use a trio of Dark Knights (or Samurais, if you don't have Dark Knight) and continually attack him. Make sure you have a couple of X-Potions and Mega Potions with you to heal you up, as well as a lot of Remedy items. Anima will use Pain on the entire party, causing multiple status ailments. Use Remedy here to cure everyone, and then heal up because he'll use his Oblivion Overdrive as his next move. You shouldn't have any trouble here if you're good about bringing the right amount of items with you.

After defeating Dark Anima, a cutscene will occur. After that, you'll be in the same spot as you were in Chapter 3, the only difference is that the Leblanc Syndicate will be there too. After a quick talk, you'll be able to move around. You'll notice a portal to the left of the area, and obviously that's where you need to go next. Make sure to buy any items you need from the Leblanc Syndicate before you go though.

Once you have gone through the portal, you'll notice a blue plate on the floor. Stand on it and a melody will be played. Go to the piano structure on your left and then play the exact same melody that you just heard. This will deactivate the barrier in front of you. If you try to get past the barrier (and subsequent barriers) without completing the melody correctly, you'll have to face a nearly indestructible monster. Run past the barrier, minding the other barriers that intermittently go on and off, since they take away some HP when you come into contact with them. Once you are past the barriers, take the left rout and step onto the blue plate again. You'll hear another melody, but it isn't complete. From that location, head south to find two more blue plates. One is directly south of your location, while another is located on a separate route that you can jump onto on your way to the second plate. Once you have found these plates, go back to the first plate and head for the piano. Play the complete melody to deactivate the barrier.

Now, after the second barrier you'll have to find yet another set of blue plates to complete the melody. The first two plates are very close to each other. From the first fork in the road, take the right path and then jump down to find a blue plate, then head up to the top of the fork in the road to find the other one. The last blue plate is close to the piano. Now go to the piano and enter in these last couple of notes. Before you leave though, make sure you write down the melody in the order that they appear on the screen, it's very important for the upcoming puzzle.

After finishing the final puzzle, YRP will find Gippal on the ground. Then the Leblanc Syndicate will join up with you. Gippal will give Paine a sphere, and all of you will watch it. After watching the sphere, you'll be in another area with a puzzle that you must complete in order to advance to the next section. This puzzle involves you jumping on platforms according to the melody that you just played to get by the barriers earlier in the area. The melody is So, Mi*, Re*, Do*, Ti, La, So, Fa, Mi, Fa, So, Do. If you try to get past the barrier without completing the melody correctly, you'll have to face a nearly indestructible monster. You don't want any of that, right?

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When you start off in this area, there are two platforms you can jump onto, one to the left of the save point, and one to the right. Take the one to the left first. Jump on that platform and three notes will play, then jump onto the next one on your right. Now jump up onto the platform above it, and two notes will play. From there, head back to the save point. Take the platform to the right of the save point, and then jump up to the platform above you. That will take you to another platform for you to jump on, which will play one more note. Head back to the platform to the left of the save point again. Jump on that platform, and now jump left. Now jump right to the next platform and it will play a note. Now jump back to the previous platform and you'll be able to reach another platform with a treasure chest. That platform will play 2 notes. Now make your way back to the save point, and then jump back to that platform to the left of it. Jump to the left platform, then left again. Now go back to the platform to the right of the save point, and jump down (not up) to the next platform. Now head back to the barrier and it should deactivate. If it doesn't& try again.

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After solving the puzzle, save and then head towards that big globe. Jump onto the platforms you'll find in the next area until you reach Vegnagun. You'll also meet Nooj there. After a couple of conversations, Leblanc, Gippal, Nooj and YRP decide that they oughta be able to take down Vegnagun themselves. So while Nooj, Gippal and the Leblanc Syndicate deal with the other body parts, it's up to YRP to take out& the tail? Okay then.

Boss: Vegnagun's Tail (HP:MP - 34200:9999)
ImageThe tail starts things off with a powerful sweep that hits all characters for about 1000 HP. Use whatever you need to heal up, and then start using physical attacks. The only other attack the tail uses is a laser attack that's directed at one character, and doesn't hit for a lot of damage. Since this is the first part of the boss that you'll have to face, it's also the easiest. You should be able to defeat it in no time.

After defeating the tail, head over to the other platforms towards the Leblanc Syndicate. They're having trouble with the legs, so they leave the clean up work to you. Let's go!

Boss: Vegnagun's Leg (HP:MP - 18220:9999)
ImageSeveral orbs that can only be hit with ranged attacks or magic accompany Vegnagun's leg. Thing is, you don't even need to kill those off to beat the leg, so don't worry about them. Use the Dark Knight class for all three characters and you shouldn't have any trouble here. Periodically the orbs will cast some magic on you or the leg, but it shouldn't hinder your plans at all.

Defeat the leg, and then run up to find Ormi and Logos, exhausted. Run past them to find Nooj, Leblanc and Gippal fighting the body. Seems like they're not having any luck with this fella. Step in and close the deal!

Boss: Vegnagun's Body
ImageBody: (HP:MP - 33040:9999)Left Arm: (HP:MP - 3000:9999)
Right Arm: (HP:MP - 3000:9999)
The arms of Vegnagun are used for casting offensive and support magic, so use the Dark Knight (or Samurai if you don't have Dark Knight) to clean them off in one or two hits, if you're at a high enough level. If you are using the Dark Knight job, use Darkness twice to kill both arms as well as deal a hefty amount of damage to the body. Once the arms are gone, hit the chest with everything you got. The arms will regenerate once or twice in this battle, but you can kill them off easily. We're getting close to the end here, one more fight, this time with the head!

ImageBoss: Vegnagun's Head
Head: (HP:MP - 38420:99999)Left Tusk: (HP:MP - 2500:99999)
Right Tusk: (HP:MP - 2500:99999)
This fight is the same as the previous one. Destroy the tusks quickly so Vegnagun can't use his most powerful attacks, then continue hitting the head. When the tusks regenerate, kill them off again, and repeat.

Once Vegnagun has been defeated, a cutscene will occur with Yuna trying to coerce Shuyin into leaving. Unfortunately, her plan backfires and now you'll have to defeat him.

Boss: Shuyin (HP:MP - 23850:210)
ImageShuyin has a predictable pattern to him. He'll start off with a regular attack, and then use a special ability (one of Tidus' Overdrive attacks from FFX) immediately after. At the start of the fight, use Protect on everyone. Fortunately for you, only one of his attacks has the ability to do any real damage on you, and since he cycles through all of his abilities, you'll only have to see it two or three times. Obviously, the ability we're talking about here is the Terror of Zanarkand attack. If you use Protect on your party, he shouldn't be any trouble though.

Once you have finished off Shuyin, sit back and relax, you've just finished the game! If you were able to activate the special ending, you'll be asked whether you want to be reunited with Tidus again or not. If that happens, congrats again, you've just acquired the special ending to the game!

Chapter 5 Sidequests

The sidequests in Chapter 5 tie up all of the loose ends in the story of Final Fantasy X. Everything from Wakka and Lulu having a child to the battle of the Cactaur Nation is covered here. Since you'll want to be at your strongest to fight Vegnagun, take the time to explore the rest of the world before the game ends.

Besaid Island
ImageThe first time around, you won't have to do a lot. Wakka will approach you, informing you that Lulu has finally given birth to their child. Talk to Wakka at the temple, and afterwards head into Besaid Temple. Enter the room on your right for a treasure chest that will get you a radar device that you will need to find some spheres. Simply press the Circle button to activate the radar. There are four spheres that you will need to find. The first is located in the village to the left of the temple. The next sphere will be near the save point outside of the village. The third will be just before the waterfall on your way to the beach, and the fourth will be on the cliff that you can reach by using the alternate path instead of going to the beach.

ImageOnce you have gotten all four digits, head to the dungeon from Chapter 1. You'll find a panel that you can enter in the digits you have found. This will open up another section. Make your way through here and you'll get yourself a Garment Grid. Once you have finished this little mission, head to the beach to find Beclem. Enjoy the conversation and the antics that follow. Afterwards, head back to the village and walk to Wakka. There will be a lengthy cutscene, and afterwards the episode will be complete!

Kilika Island
Visit Kilika Temple and you'll see a group of people wanting to get in. Eventually everyone will be reunited, even Barthello and Dona. Aww. You get a Garment Grid for your trouble, and the episode will be complete!

ImageAll you have to do here is flag off the first game of Blitzball for the season. Note that you don't actually have to play Blitzball in order to accomplish this. Once you have done that, head towards the entrance to the Mi'hen High Road. Yuna will enter into a little mission by herself. All you have to do is follow the flying moogle wherever it goes. It's basically all flashback stuff from Final Fantasy X. Once you have reached the harbour, the episode will be finished!

You can return to Luca at any time in order to play Blitzball, but it's much different from Final Fantasy X. You don't actually play in the game, so it may not be worth your while.

Mi'hen High Road
Once you get to the High Road, you'll automatically enter into Rin's investigation that he started back in Chapter 4. He'll basically reveal who the criminal is. If you don't follow the sequence given in Chapter 4, you might be able to pin the crime on someone else, even one of your own party members!

Mushroom Rock Road
This event only occurs if you chose the Youth League in Chapter 2 instead of New Yevon. You'll be greeted by Lucil, Elma and Yaibal as soon as you arrive. They want you to help toughen up the Youth League, so take them up on their challenge. This is basically the same as some of the other missions you've had to complete in the area, so go for it!

Boss: Elma (HP:MP - 4882:870)
Easy fight here. Take out her guards and then cast Blind or Darkness Dance on her. She'll be a goner.

Boss: Lucil (HP:MP - 7324:370)
This is even easier than the first fight. Gee, I guess this is why the Youth League needs your help so badly, right? After the fight, Lucil will give a little speech and the episode will be complete. Head back to the Youth League base afterwards to get a sphere from her.

If you've collected all ten of the Crimson Spheres, you can unlock the Mushroom Rock Road cavern. Simply approach it with all ten spheres and it will open up. You'll enter a dungeon, but it's pretty simple to navigate. Just follow the red icon on the radar. Once you reach it, a scene will occur. You'll have to fight a total of five boss fights in a row to get out alive. It's not easy, but then again, you're the one who opened up Pandora's Box, so to speak.

Boss: Rikku (HP:MP - 7800:92)
Rikku and Paine are the easiest of the bosses you'll face here. They're both susceptible to Break as well as Blind, which basically nullifies everything they can throw at you. Use that to your advantage and take them down.

Boss: Paine (HP:MP - 9200:92)
Break and Blind are your friends here, so use them whenever you can. This should be an easy fight. Make sure your character's health is near its maximum in preparation for the next fight though.

Boss: Baralai (HP:MP - 12220:720)
You had to fight this guy once already, so you should know the deal here. Use your Break abilities to minimize the damage he does and use Blind whenever you can so that he misses most of his attacks. He does have attacks that deal damage to the entire party, so watch out. Like the fight with Paine, make sure your HP levels are high for the next fight.

Boss: Gippal (HP:MP - 14800:235)
Gippal is a lot like Baralai in combat, but he's a lot slower, thankfully. He also has attacks that hit the entire party, so watch out. As always, use Break to take down his damage potential and smack him around with physical attacks.

Boss: Mevyn Nooj (HP:MP - 23260:720)
Since he's the last boss, it's only fitting that he's the most troublesome, right? You're going to need all your resources to take out Nooj, because he's one tough customer. Like Baralai and Gippal, he has a couple of attacks that damage the entire party, so it's advisable that you have one character act as a support and constantly heal while providing secondary offense. A Dark Knight with White Magic capabilities works very well to meet this need. Nooj can use status ailments on you too, so it's a good idea to have everyone as a Dark Knight, since they are protected against almost every status ailment once you have mastered them.

Talk to Tolbi at the Moonflow, and you'll be able to party with him and his group. Nothing much you can do here, but at least you get an Episode Complete for your trouble.

Djose Temple
Head to the Chamber of the Fayth and you'll have to do battle with the Machine Faction's new weapon of destruction, er, protection. The catch in defeating this machine is that it grows stronger depending on how many successful excavations you performed in Bikanel Desert. If you didn't, then this boss will be a piece of cake. However if you happened to do some intense searching in the desert to help out the Al Bhed, it may be a very tough battle. The highest level it can reach is Level 5, so we've provided the stats for that particular level. Once you have beaten this machine, the episode will be complete.

Boss: Experiment Level 5 (HP:MP - 18324:0)
This boss is tough if you don't come prepared. Make sure to cast Protect whenever you can to lower the damage sustained, as it has a lot of attacks that hit your entire party for some serious damage. Otherwise, go with the Dark Knights and club away at him. Don't use Break abilities here because they don't work at all.

ImageTalk to Tromell Guado twice in order to get your Episode Complete. If you haven't, you can also get a Crimson Sphere here by entering the underground passage in the Leblanc Syndicate headquarters. The room is to the left of the save point in the area. Just jump onto some wooden boxes to reach it. If you didn't stop Garik on Mount Gagazet during Chapter 3, you'll notice that the Guado are not here, therefore you cannot get an Episode Complete. However, you can get a powerful accessory called Key to Success in Tolbi's office. It raises attack, defense, luck, experience and HP by 100%. It is a tradeoff though, so you'll have to weigh your options.

Head to Bevelle Temple. You'll have a conversation with a couple of people, including Isaaru and the Kinderguardians. After your conversation, you'll get a Garment Grid from Maroda. Enter Bevelle Temple and head to the right. You'll find the Kinderguardians again. Take the portal down to Bevelle's secret dungeon. You'll find an old man here, and after he leaves you'll find a Crimson Sphere. Pick that up and follow him. Keep fighting until you get to the 20th level, where you'll encounter a miniboss. After defeating him, you'll find another Crimson Sphere. If you were able to get all the Crimson Spheres before, this will be the last one that you need. Head to Mushroom Rock Road to unlock the secrets of the cavern!

Thunder Plains
ImageSeems like there's a disturbance in the area, and fiends are occupying all of the lightning towers. It's time for another mission! You'll have to defeat fiends at every temple. Don't worry though, it's the same fiend each time, so it won't get progressively harder. You'll have to beat nine of these guys, so remember that there are also fiends after you get to the Travel Agency. After you've defeated the nine fiends, one& really big fiend will show up. Time for a boss fight!

Boss: Humbaba (HP:MP - 27772:785)
This guy is tough, especially if your levels are low. You won't be able to use any Break abilities on him, so don't even bother going into Warrior here. Your best bet is to make all of your characters Dark Knights (or whatever class has the highest defensive rating) and assign one to be a supporting attacker/healer. Have your other two characters just pound the hell out of him. His attacks are powerful, but if you heal up every other round, you shouldn't be in too much trouble. One thing you'll have to remember is that once he dies, he casts Meteor on your entire party. This usually does around 2500 - 3000 damage per character, so make sure that your characters are healthy before you finish him off.

Once you have defeated this boss, it will leave a giant hole in the ground. You can choose to jump in or not, but either way you'll need to go down there eventually in order to complete the episode. It'd be a wise move to heal up first, though. Once you're ready, head down the hole and into& a dungeon. Just follow the read icon and you'll find Rikku's daddy, Cid. He's got a surprise for you!

Boss: Machina Panzer (HP:MP - 30500:1247)
This boss comes equipped with three other machinas, but they can be taken care of so easily it's not even worth the effort to list their stats. Simply using Dark Knight's Darkness ability to wipe them out in one hit. Or you can just kill them the long way. The machina that Cid has for you is a total pushover, despite having better stats than the previous boss. Why? Simple, just use Break abilities to make sure it does no damage to you at all. After you have finished this off this boss, the episode will be complete!

Macalania Forest
Please note that the only way you can get an episode complete in this area is if you erased O'aka's debt before Chapter 3. If you weren't able to do it, you cannot get an episode complete here. Why, you ask? Because you need to visit O'aka at the Travel Agency in Macalania in order to get the episode complete. It's pretty impossible to do that if he's not there, right? On top of that, once you visit him, you'll be able to buy some very cool items from him.

Calm Lands
If you managed to get 400 PR points for the companies in the Calm Lands, visit this area. The event will occur automatically. Tolbi will come by and a conversation will occur. The episode will now be complete. Please note that you don't have to find that poor sap at the Travel Agency a wife in order to finish this episode completely. Thank god.

Bikanel Desert
ImageYou can start this mission while you're in Chapter 3, but you can't finish it until the end of the game. You'll be asked to start diplomatic ties with the Cactaur Nation. Yes, we're serious. It seems that the Cactaurs are having a bit of trouble. A group of very powerful fiends are about to be unleashed, so the Cactaurs need to find the ten Gatekeepers in order to summon a protector called Haboob. The ten Gatekeepers are scattered around Spira, so you'll have to find them. Unlike the PR and Marriage campaigns from the Calm Lands, this mission is actually enjoyable.

Here are the locations of the Gatekeepers:

  • Bikanel Desert: Go to the Oasis and you'll find him
  • Besaid: You can find him on the beach
  • Guadosalam: Go to Leblanc Headquarters and you'll find him in a treasure chest in one of the rooms in the underground passageway.
  • Calm Lands: You'll find two here, near the cave where Yojimbo resided
  • Thunder Plains: You'll find him in the same location as you found Lian and Ayde during Chapter 3.
  • Kilika: Head into Kilika forest and go straight until the second intersection, then go right. You'll be able to jump onto a tree here, and you'll find your Gatekeeper
  • Mount Gagazet: Head up the mountain, you'll eventually find it in an open area
  • Kilika: Check Dona's house
  • Bikanel Desert: Once you have gathered 9 of the Gatekeepers, they will break the seal on the cave in the background. You'll be able to find your last Gatekeeper there.

Once you have retrieved all ten Gatekeepers, you'll receive a Garment Grid& if you were able to win all of the minigames that you had to partake with each Cactaur. Now that your little fetch quest is done and over with, it's time for a major boss fight!

Boss: Jumbo Cactaur (HP:MP - 22222:1111)
He's like any other Cactaur& only he hits a lot harder. He's actually not that hard to beat, so just keep pounding away at him and he won't get a chance to attack. Be sure to take out the two little Cactaurs with him though, since they can do some good damage on you.

Boss: Angra Mainyu (HP:MP - 333444:9999)
This guy is next to impossible if you don't go into this fight prepared. He's a real monster, with high HP and defense, so it'll take a long time to take him out. If you want to take on this behemoth, make sure you're around level 70 or 80 before you even think of doing so. This boss is made up of three parts, two arms and the body. One arm will use physical attacks, while the other casts some extremely powerful magic, such as Flare. Obviously you want to minimize the damage dealt to you here, but since this boss is immune to Break abilities, you'll have to think of another way to do it.

You can use the Shining Mirror Garment Grid to give yourself the Auto-Reflect ability, so try that. Start everyone off as a Thief, and then switch to your most powerful attacking class, such as Dark Knight. Doing so will allow you to use Auto-Reflect. This will nullify any damage that the magic-casting arm can do to you. Unfortunately you won't be able to heal with magic either. That's okay, you can use X-Potions or Mega Potions for that. In order to get rid of the two arms, use the Dark Knight's Darkness ability. That should get rid of them temporarily until they're revived. Other than that, the only thing you have to do is keep pounding away at the guy until he falls. Yeah, we make it sound very easy, don't we?

To get this event, you have to talk with Cid in Chapter 2 on the Thunder Plains.

Head into the engine room and then head back out. A cutscene will occur. Afterwards, go to the Deck of the Celsius to find Cid. Another talk will go down, and then you can head back to the cockpit. Yet another scene. After this, both Buddy and Brother are not on the Bridge. Go to the Cabin and you'll find the whole Al Bhed gang there in deep discussion. Talk to Cid, and then head to the deck of the Celsius yet again to talk with Buddy, Brother and Cid. After that, the scene will be over.

Mount Gagazet
ImageTensions are flaring between Kimahri and Garik, and they're going to settle their differences. Unfortunately nothing cool happens. A lot of talk, some punches thrown, nothing too exciting. Afterwards, you'll see a monument built in honor of Kimahri. You can also get a Garment Grid from Lian and Ayde if you return to Gagazet after the episode is complete.

On top of that, you can also choose to have a monument to Yuna instead of Kimahri. The way to do this is to answer all of the Ronso questions during the game. You can't do this during your first run through the game though, it can only be done on your second run. For the correct answers, just choose the second option given for the male Ronsos and the first option for the female Ronsos.

Zanarkand Ruins
Talk to Maechen here, and the episode will be complete.

Admin – Tue, 04/25/2006 – 11:57am

Angra Mainyu

Damn. This bastard is hard! Took me loads of pots to take him down, I am only lvl 73, 72 and 71 tho. I tell you, If you dont have Shining Mirror Garment Grid it's hard as hell! I was all out of Lunar Curtains and the Shell curtain things at the end! But still I managed to kick his butt. All you have to do is make sure the "arms" is out at all times, in that way he will keep ressurecting them and that'll spare you from some insane damaging spells. Make sure you use Dark Knights, because Darkness gives a great boost in this battle(Even tho you lose health), since the left arm is immune to spells and the right one is immune to physical damage. Keep everyone alive and you will do great ^^

Outofcontrol – Sat, 01/24/2009 – 11:07am

Ugh...Boss: Lucil

is there anyway i can get in the youth league headquarters if i choose to give the sphere to new yevon?
or at least anyway i can get that sphere.
well that must be the percent im gonna miss. that 1%...wahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!wahhhhh!!!!!!!
so how am i suppose to get in the den of woe with out the sphere?

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 2:00am

You don't need 100% for the

You don't need 100% for the secret ending. I got it earlier today by triggering the whistling scenes and talking to Maechen everytime I saw him. But, to beat her I used a chocobo wing on the party and just used Paine as dark knight and gave her as much attack bonus as I could and used black sky. I did about 8k damage and just attacked her and she died.

Scrider – Fri, 01/23/2009 – 10:31pm

Zanarkand Episode...Concluded????

hey people i really really REALLY need your help with this.
i talked to Maechen in Zanarkand but it says Episode Concluded instead of Episode Complete.
it says that

"forget the tourist..
now people say they want to live her..
looks like a new age is coming for zanarkand"

something like that.
please help.
ive talk to isaaru.
i cant go in the temple.
ive talk to everyone in the front.
i even pressed X when im by the monkeys hoping they do something?!?!?!?
please help!!!

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 1:55am

Zanarkand Episode...Complete!

its not THAT hard is it?
1. Tell Cid you have a bone to pick in chapter 1 hotspot.
2. Shake Maechen's hand at the Youth league HQ in chapter 1
3. Pair up all of the monkeys in the chapter 2 side mission

I think thats it but you HAVE to listen to everything maechen says at the youth league. Saying please go on will skip him forward a little bit though

booms – Thu, 01/29/2009 – 7:54am

How to heal without using or buying a potion.

ok for people who want to heal but not to buy a potion. well now is your moment of luck...
all you need is to buy ether.
ok here goes i hope it works for you.
when walking press the triangle button.
that shou;d bring up the items, white magic,equip ext menu.
go on white magic.
then click on anyone of the girls. ex. Yuna.
if you look at her abilities...note: all you need is cure for this, if you do great!
click on cure, thats worth 4 mp points,(sry if i say click i donno what the right word is for it. so just imagine click means press X)
then when it brings up the 3 girls and the arrow pointing on yuna or whoever is on the top or who evers first press or click the right button. it cant be the analog just press your right button on the left side of your controller for ps2.then it should flash on all of them.
click or press X while the arrow is flashing on all of them.
each press should only be worth 4 mp points. but when u press and the arrow is flashing on all of them all three of them are going to be healed at the same time.
so this is a save on money for potions and money for ether because instead of using 4 mp points on each character u can use 4 mp points on all of them. not just individuals.
i hope this works for you guyz.
thnx for the people who answer my comments.

oh yeah and also ive noticed people are putting quotes so heres mine.

"Yuna: The people and the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded.
Never forget them."

OMG!!^^^that line always gets to me.

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 12:35am

How to heal without using or buying a potion.

ok for people who want to heal but not to buy a potion. well now is your moment of luck...
all you need is to buy ether.
ok here goes i hope it works for you.
when walking press the triangle button.
that shou;d bring up the items, white magic,equip ext menu.
go on white magic.
then click on anyone of the girls. ex. Yuna.
if you look at her abilities...note: all you need is cure for this, if you do great!
click on cure, thats worth 4 mp points,(sry if i say click i donno what the right word is for it. so just imagine click means press X)
then when it brings up the 3 girls and the arrow pointing on yuna or whoever is on the top or who evers first press or click the right button. it cant be the analog just press you right button on the left side of your controller for ps2.then it should flash on all of them.
when you click or press X while the arrow is flashing on all of them.
each press should only be worth 4 mp points. but when u press and the arrow is flashing on all of them all three of them are going to be healed at the same time.
so this is a save on money for potions and money for ether because instead of using 4 mp points on each character u can use 4 mp points on all of them. not just individuals.
i hope this works for you guyz.
thnx for the people who answer my comments.

oh yeah and also ive noticedpeople are putting quotes so heres mine.

"Yuna: The people and the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded.
Never forget them."

OMG!!^^^that line always gets to me.

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 12:33am

Gems, usage and problem

i need help on gems.
how do i get them.
oh and for people with the same problem or a different problem but involving the same topic: if you are an alchemist (misspell) and you want at least 1000 damage when mixing anything with holy water:use gems because bombs and other wont work even if it says deals fire damage or water ext. ice damage.
so if you want at least 1000 damage each strike while mixing stuff with holy water use GEMS.
oh and for my problem: how do i get a lot of gems (can be fire gems, water gems, or ice.)
without lady luck. because i didnt beat shinra in chapter 3 at luca.
so please help

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 12:21am

Help In Moonflow

Hey i'm chap 5 and in moon flow tobli
doesn't ask me to dance with them i only got episode concluded
Pliz what can I do

Dark Knight of ... – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 12:14am

Re: Help In Moonflow

im stuck there too!
everitime i talk to him he keeps saying
"play at the next show"
or something like that.
then i watch then i wait then....NOTHING
furstrating aint it?
well can u please let me know if you find out how to get that episode complete
thnx in advance if you do.
and thnx in advance even if you dont
the fact that someone is also having troublt with that is good enough
just please tell me if u find out.

Yuna: The people an dthe frine we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...
Never forget them.

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 2:06am


Ok no prob but do you think it will affect the getting of the mascot dressphere??
I really hope not

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 6:40am

Re: Re: :)

actually u need to get an episdoe COMPLETE in EVERY PLACE in spira to get the mascot dress sphere
im havin troble with zanarkand and moonflow. they always say episode CONCLUDED not COMPLETE.
and also in besaid after getting the episode there then i come back again it says " i wonder how little vidina's doing" or something like that. but then when i go back to besaid their not in their home or anywhere. do u know where i can find them?

Yuna: The people and the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...
Never forget them.

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 5:18pm

Lulu and wakka

Lulu and wakka are in front of the temple on our extreme left
but I've talked to them and they just say" I promise I'll be a good father ..."
also you can unlock the four ciphers in besaid at the cave if you have the save sphere, you get "Raging Giant " garment grid

I'm not sure about Zanarkand but I've heard that you mustn't leave zanarkand hot spot to the end so I've started with zanarkand just talk to Meachen WITHOUT PRESSING X LET HIM FINISH PROPERLY i know it's a pain in the neck but you get more % completion if you do that

Hope this helps :-)

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Mon, 01/05/2009 – 1:35am

fire gleam and nulice

can someone plzzz tell me where to get nulice and fire gleam i need it to beat shiva plzz help

admien1993 – Sat, 08/09/2008 – 9:59am


you know the guy where the platforms are in djose temple? why does he ask for a password for? i dont even know where to get these so called "password"? can someone help me?!? or answer this question at least?

hyperblondietheif337 – Thu, 07/10/2008 – 5:39pm

Re: Password?!?

The Password is "MARNELA".
And the guy gives you another repair manual for the machine faction's experiment.
Got an itch to find another manual?
Go stand in the circle of monkeys to the right of the temple. When they all jump at the same time press x and you will get a repair manual.
Hope this helps! (^-^)

"I don't want friends to die... or fade away. I don't want battles I have to lose to win."

Anna4ffx2 – Sun, 07/27/2008 – 10:01pm


I can't beat chak in ch.5 in bevelle via infinito cloister 80(i think)HElllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!

fflove – Tue, 07/08/2008 – 3:31am


hi im new.

Do i have to complete the Via Infinito to get a Episode Complete in Bevelle?

If so, how long it is? i cant seem to get too far...


i really want that Mascot Dressphere

gabrielenriquez – Thu, 04/10/2008 – 9:43pm

Long. lol

Via Infinito is 100 floors deep.

Gemini – Mon, 04/14/2008 – 4:28pm


Okay so I'm in Via Infinito and the Elder Drake is in my way. But every time i try kill it the chars get killed in one hit,, there level 60+ cud someone tell me what level i need to be?

Lulu -- Your the high summoner who defeated sin!

Lady Yunaleska – Fri, 03/28/2008 – 4:10pm

have yuna as a level 70 or

have yuna as a level 70 or higher and 1 bekerser ( if u dont have that dark night) and hack away make sure u have megalixer equip paine with the dreespere with only 2 spots on it and level her speicial dresspere and hack away:note if yuna isn`t a leval 70 no chance

slayer55 – Tue, 04/01/2008 – 4:53pm

RE: Argh....

You wont be able to battle them right away at 60. you can activate the lifts and go overtop of them, or run past them (where possible). but if you seriosuly just want to kick their butts, i would recomend being at least 70 and deffietly having some high defense increasing accessories as well as hp increases by at least 100%

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Fri, 03/28/2008 – 10:08pm

Easyer WAY!!

Just Equip with Gunner in Highroad winds then equip with cat nip and speed Bracrer and then you win but make sure two people are gunner so at least one of them gets hit and not the other!! you'll might need this info if you wanna beat the 100 Via Infernio Monster cause its has OVER 10,000,000 HP!!! Trust I scaned it with gum mage before i lost and wrote some info about that monster.You'll get the Item Iron Duke which is really helpful ALOT!!! its like a SUPER POWER UP!!

hyperblondietheif337 – Wed, 04/30/2008 – 8:57pm


Wat can u buy from O'aka if u pay off his debt before chapter 3 ?

LuLu -- Your the high summoner who defeated sin!

Lady Yunaleska – Fri, 03/28/2008 – 11:16am

Re: ^o)

if you pay off his debt you can buy the usual items that you can by from barkeep at a cheaper price.
Later on in ch.5 when he gets his own shop you can buy lores from him which otherwise cannot be bought in the game. you can also buy some really nice accessories.

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Fri, 03/28/2008 – 12:56pm


Um.. I feel dumb asking this but.. I'm only level 30-34 and I'm on chapter 5,, could someone tell em the best place to level? Maybe... the road to the farplane? If someone could help I would appreciate it! =]

LuLu -- Your the high summoner who defeated sin!

Lady Yunaleska – Sun, 03/23/2008 – 2:30pm

Farplane or Via Infinito

The Farplane is sufficient enough for leveling your characters.

For Via Infinito, you'll have to travel quite a few floors to battle the decent enemies, but the travel is worth it.

Gemini – Mon, 03/24/2008 – 9:50am

Can U help?

Ok im on ch.5 in the beginning, when i jump into one of the wholes that will take me to the farplane...every timei get into a fight with the monsters in the farplane it always sais the monsters there are emuned to my attacks...Yuna is on lvl.40, and Pain and Rikku are on lvl.41, wat do i need to do? can someone plllllllllz HELP!!! i cant play my game untill i get this info!!!! PLLLLLLLZZZZ ANYBODY!!!???!!! "Love will concore all"

devilgirl778 – Thu, 01/01/2009 – 7:26pm

your answer somehow twisted....

well dont jumped in just yet when you are in chpter 5.
there are a bunch of things you can do before that.
so do those first and eventually you will lvl up.
places to not go to immediately:
-Mushroom Rock Road: The Den Of Woe. do not go in the den of woe until you know youre ready because somethings waiting there. not vegnugan(misspell) but just dont go if youre not strong enough.ask me what you will be fighting. ill tell you their hp and mp if i can. well actually i think its listed here.
-Djose Temple: Experiment.this boss isnt that strong it takes atleast 3-5 round of one persons trigger happy.Helpful tip:get atleast lv 2 or lv 3 of trigger happy. i defeated it at lv 2.but be sure your curing too.
-Thunder plains: if you go there and your in lv 35-45 you can easily defeat the normal tower rod monsters but the final bosses, there r 2, and you dont have gems, an alchemist, and holy water then there is no way u can defeat them unless you have luck. well you can prolly get through but i didnt so good luck.
-Macalania Woods: you might get to fight that big blob of a monster there*if you dont know wut im talking bout them...i donno how to explain but..* it has this attack: it forms into a pole them drops on you leaving u with 1 hp but if it does the pole thing again and pound on you it wont do any damage. and fighting it isnt worth it trust me. so just flee or escape.
-Bikanel Desert: i hvnt been here but im pretty sure your gonna fight angra mayunishishish...i donno the second part of its name but it starts wit angra. and it is hard if you dont have catnip which you can get at the via infinito*now there the part im stuck at!!*so yeah dont go there just yet.
-Bevelle:ah Bevelle!!!
well all you have to worry bout there is the via infinito thing.
make sure youre ready for it battles are tough. be on alert of elder drake. with elder drake its attacks are 3000+ so if youre not above that hp then you have no chance on surviving its NORMAL ATTACK which is that 3000+ damage hit.im not sure you can skip him though. he pretty much block the whole way!

well thats it from my experience.
when youve done all of those things then you might wanna jump in.
or if you have done these things already then just keep fight till you reach the level you wanna be on. it took me at least 3 hours in chapter 1 to level up at ;east 10 lvls. so just wait youll get there.

Yuna: The people and the friends we have lost, or the dream that have faded....
Never forget them.

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 12:55am

RE: Can U help?

Well some are immune to physical attacks, get someone out with magic or cast reflect so their spells cast back onto them.

With so many thing woven together.. what could be waiting where the threads meet?

Mish Yoona – Fri, 01/02/2009 – 6:01pm


affter u defeat shiva train by her save spere

slayer55 – Tue, 04/01/2008 – 4:55pm


Thx for replying, now I'm level 50+ =]

LuLu -- Your the high summoner who defeated sin!

Lady Yunaleska – Tue, 03/25/2008 – 1:26pm

how do you beat Trema in Via

how do you beat Trema in Via Infinito???

dev09 – Sun, 01/27/2008 – 5:58am

Re: how do you beat trema in Via

There are several strategies to defeat Trema.
White Mage of Destiny posted one in a the dark knight part of FFX-2.com

The easiest way to defeat him is to use Lady Luck to bribe off Paragon with at LEAST 2 million gil.
if the bribe is succesful, Paragon will run away and leave 30 dark matter's behind.

When you go up against trema. Use an alchemist to combine your Dark matter with a megalixer or a megapotion. This give's your party "invincle status" .... you become almost invincible.

Aftert that use all dark knights.

good luck!

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Tue, 01/29/2008 – 1:16pm

una question about chap 5 in bevelle

a lot of people say you have to complete Bevelle via infinito 1-100 ? in order to get 100% in the game, is this true? someone says yes and someone says no you dont have to complete via in order to get 100% im so confuse can someone plz tell me!!!!

Gippal08 – Sun, 01/20/2008 – 4:00pm

no, you don't have to

no, you don't have to complete Bevelle Via Infinito to get 100%. I have 100% in the game right now and still haven't beat Trema. I'm kinda stuck, but still have 100%.

dev09 – Sun, 01/27/2008 – 5:51am

RE:una queation about chap 5 in bevelle

well,a lot of ppl sed no and yes but I'm pretty sure you have to finish it in order to get 100% complete
my advice to you is ask my friend ryuryu she is the genius on this game!!!!!!!

Die and be free of pain
Or live and fight your sorrow!

yrp_rock – Wed, 01/23/2008 – 6:16am


i love how it forgot to mention you only have 8 turns to beat vegnaguns head :)


"Is it you? Or does he just look like you?"

Anna4ffx2 – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 3:29pm


not neccessarily.
If you have a high enough level of defense (via high levels or strong bracers)
you can survive past eight turns.

i remember there was a point where i was lvl. 21 but had the strongest denfense bracers (defense up 100%)
and survived vegnaguna and beat him in 36 turns. (ie. only because at level 21 i was to weak to beat him at any less)

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 8:11pm


ahhha ty ty

a good thing i found is to have a samurai use fireworks which hits both tusks and theyre out of the way easily.

but thanks for the hints on defense. for some reason my defense REAALLY sucks. i had everyone with a 60% bracer so i survived :)

and shuyin was actually very easy. only saw terror of Zanarkand once. my rikku and paine were alchemists so i used white hole twice and he was nearly gone (For u who dont know how to do that, i mixed holy water and an element gem of any element)

and i REALLY REALLY was looking forward to the beach ending. only had 84% so i didnt get it. went back did a couple missions beat it again. 86%. still no beach. what percent do i need to get the beach ending?

"I don't want friends to die... or fade away. I don't want battles I have to lose to win."

Anna4ffx2 – Wed, 01/23/2008 – 4:19pm

how to get beach scene at the end

ok one question:
when do you thnk the beach scene comes?
explanation #1---
you have to wait till the credits end. when you see pyreflies just keep watching if youre above 80% you should have it.
remember in the beginning of the game?
it says you choose you're own path of how the story goes.
well some people got the sad ending.
some peole just got the normal one.
some got the secret ending. and some got the perfect ending.
so it really depends on youre decisions throughout the game of how YOURE story ends.
i hvnt been to the ending yet.
but you know how i know.
if you go to youtube
GoingCrazy(some numbers) have 80% if you look at his or her perfect ending or good ending.
keep watchin till her ending is done. then you will see his or her percentage is only 80%
or better yet just go to http:www.ffalkthroughs.net then click on ffx2*it is on the left side, should be the second one* then you will see a list of sections in the game. go all the way down then you will c something called "perfect ending" or "good ending" keep watchin then wait till the end. you will see the he or she has only 80%.
do not click on the first ending video she or he has. click on the very last one.
hope this helps

Yuna: The people and the friend we have lost, or the dreams the have faded......
Never forget them

ira – Sun, 01/04/2009 – 1:12am


is fire works hard to get ??

rikkufan – Tue, 11/18/2008 – 10:20am

almost there..


its chapter 5
i am past anima
in the portal
broke the first barrier or whatever
but now i can get to the other blue keypads cuz the barrier is too close
and i am mad because i wanted to rub it in my sisters face about how i finished ffx-2 before she even finished FFX (she started FFX before me too. and hid it from me :P )
any help?

"Is it you? Or does he just look like you?"

Anna4ffx2 – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 12:49pm

Re: almost there..

Okay, the blue pads are VERY troublesome. You really really have to time yourself.
Get as close as you possibly can to the blue electric protals without getting zapped. Then wait until they stop COMPLEATLEY and then RUN past them.

Yuo can noyl go past one at a time.
It really comes down too timing!
Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 8:08pm

A question, how do you use the break HP dmg limit

how do you use it? it doesnt do 9999 damage its all a lie, if its not they how do i use it with yuna floral fallal, i did every move with her but its useless, i think that break hp dmg limit is useless doesnt work, the only think it works is the break ? dgm limit with gives you life of 9999 that only think works but the other one not at all, can someone tell me how do u kill an eneymy doing 9999 with floral fallal?

Gippal08 – Fri, 01/18/2008 – 12:13pm

Re: how do youuse Break hp/dmg limit

Per say you dont actualy use it.
Basically when yuna is normally in floral fallal at level 99 she would only have around 12,000hp.
And would only do so much damage.

but with hp limit and break dmg limit at Higher levels Yuna's powers double.

So basically it only really works at higher levels. Why? because it's break hp/dmg LIMIT. Meaning it breaks the limit of Hp you could normally have in the game. (ie. the max hp in any final fantasy game is ALWAYS 9,999)

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 8:06pm


HOW DO YOU GET THE OVERSOULD GARMENT GRID...CAN SOMEONE TELL ME PLZ.....ABOUT THE OVERSOUL MONSTERS.....PLZ........................................SOMEONE.........................................ANSWER.................ME

Gippal08 – Wed, 01/16/2008 – 5:21pm


It happens at random.
some enemy's you meet will happen to be oversouled. If you want to increase your chances you'll have to equip a lure bracer to increase your chances of meeting monsters.

no need for caps D:

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Wed, 01/16/2008 – 10:09pm

how many oversoul monsters are there?

in order to get the THE END garment grid from shinra in the celcius..any body got it yet?

Gippal08 – Thu, 01/17/2008 – 5:31pm

Re: how many oversould mosnters are there?

I don't have an exact number.
But Ign.com probably does.

My best guess is around 1500.
You have to oversould EVERY monster in the game at least ONCE.

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 01/19/2008 – 8:03pm